Ladies of Hive Contest Week#168. The Best Day For Me

Hello ladies in hive, I am always looking forward to our weekly contest and most times I make sure to attend to it same day unless something that is beyond my control happens. Thanks to our amazing judge for this week @joanstewart for selecting these three good topics for us.

Discriptive best day in your life so far — childhood, holiday, wedding, children, any day you feel made you the happiest.
A specific time when you found something profoundly affected your way of thinking, changed you, or simply made you happy!

For this week the topic I highlighted above is what I will be considering.

I have many amazing days in my life ranging from my childhood to my adulthood but trust me, I will not get you bored with all those stories. In this post I will be sharing with you my memory when I gave birth to my baby and why it stands out for me.

My daughter is already two years and heading to three months already. The day I gave birth to her stands out for me because it was all full of Grace for me. The doctor already gave me EDD, like most women normally do. I already packed my bags making sure that everything I will be needing at the hospital was in place. A night before I told myself I was going to wake very early to prepare some porridge and soup so I will eat well and have some reserve so that when I return I will bounce on it🤪🤪🤪. So funny, you needed to see how I was busy pounding my pepper that early morning.

When I was done with all that I went back to sleep at around 5 AM as i wait for day break. The day was not breaking so fast as if I should go and pull the clock, for these 269 days I have been so patience but seems to loose the patience for one day. The whole thing was so surprising to everyone including the doctor. When I got to the hospital and he asked why I was there, I told him that I came for delivery, he was like if I was feeling anything and I told him yes. He was in doubt and said if I was feeling anything, I should not be that calm. I was like, was I shouting while doing the thing?

He smile and ran a check, to his surprise I was 4cm gone. He immediately called his nurse to admit me. Now in less than an hour after I came to the hospital i delivered. Everyone around didn't believe because it looked so strange and I was not acting so serious. All of them started calling me Hebrew woman.

It was a surprise to me too, because from my first experience I stayed more than 12 hours on admission with hot drip before I gave birth. When my mother in-law came in, I began to dance. There is this particular song I love so much, so I just played and danced to the music. That was a day filled with lots of happiness for me. No drip, no cut, no emergency it was all sound to God's glory. I called her rest because it was a stressless birth, so Restful.

Thank you sisters for sharing my Best day with me. This is my entry for the ladies of hive contest week #168

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