Having The Mindset Of A Day At A Time Will Save Lots Of Stress

Every week is a new experience I our community #ladiesofhive such that I don't find it so normal to miss the experience. And this week's topic is just a well thought-out topic so I must say a very big thank you to the Frontline judge for this week @joanstewart, of a truth you are one of a kind.

What makes you hold onto hope? Enlighten us on something you do to create a safe, positive space around yourself, to boost the belief or conviction to always look for the cloud with a silver lining, even if it means starting again?

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From the African Proverb "Don't loose hope, no situation is permanent." I can push further by using this Verse from the Holy Bible, "Hope Deffered Makes The Heart Sick". When one looks forward to something and have tried every possible means especially when there are lead down process to achieve success in that sphere but the result still looks different it will come to a point that his heart will start to fail, now hoping gets more difficult. To make matter worst, you now see a friend that follows same process and achieves great success within a shout time.

I believe in that African proverb that no situation is permanent. But as humans we get to ask several questions especially when close friends start to make funny statements directly or indirectly. One thing keeps me going when I find myself in such situation even when my hope is Deffered.

This saying from the wisest man that ever exist King Solomon in Ecclesiastes 3 from verse 1, "there is time for everything". When I want to give up and things seems to be going against my project or looks so slow, I tell myself, there is time for everything, hence I am doing my best and following the process and involving God in all I do, I just tell myself that my time will soon come and when it does nothing can stop it from manifesting

This has helped me to stop comparing myself with people around and also celebrate them when they make notable advancement. Truth be told, ladies do have many temptation of getting depressed when things don't work well and because of lots of responsibility that is waiting for us stirring from the home to the society.

Also knowing that there is time for everything also helped me to be more relaxed in the sense that I don't take up many tasks at the same time. Having many Iron on fire makes one to have many abandoned projects which is not healthy at all because one may end up having high blood pressure. Work does not and cannot finish.

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