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On 13-Sep-2022, an Iranian woman (Mahsa Amini) was arrested for wearing her headscarf too loosely, which allowed a little of her hair to be visible. Witnesses attest that she was severely beaten while in police custody. At one point, she collapsed, but it was two hours later before police transported her to a hospital where it was noted that she had lapsed into a coma. The police claim she had a heart attack, but there were bruises on her body, head, and face. She died three days later, never awaking from her coma. And all this was because she was careless to allow a few strands of hair to show.

Different cultures and religions have rules and regulations that tend to put a lot of embargo on the lifestyle of women. Restricting their movements or activities in the communities. However, this news is so sad that death could have been avoided no matter the situation of things. Just because of ordinary strands of hair, a natural hair given to her by her creator to beautify her has become a thing to be hidden forever just for the sake of culture.

Naturally, as a person, knowing the kind of culture and religion certain countries practice, to avoid such things is to avoid such countries. Although, it is said give to Ceasar what belong to Ceasars, wherever one finds herself, be able to conform to cultural standards since I cannot cope, I stay put wherever I am. Because, a simple mistake like the woman mentioned will not be tolerated by the people of that community and you have no voice against them.

This suppression of women and relegating them to the background is literally everywhere, evident in my country and practically these archaic traditions are still existent in our contemporary society. Women are made to wear black overalls from their head to their toes, patriarchal dominance over women, disrespect of women's vies, subjecting women to domestic violence, baby making machines.

I am glad that most women are beginning to speak up for themselves and justice is being carried out to abusive men in relationships. They are no longer silent, as the society tries its best to ensure justice is served. Although, many go unpunished because not every has the courage to take such steps.

In churches, workplaces, recreational centers, it can happen anywhere, the constant phrases of "what does a woman know", "what does a woman have to offer". In my country, women are actually taking the lead and breaking barriers placed by men, women are becoming senators, international world leaders, chancellors, managers, ministers and so on. NGO'S are taking up cases of women who report their affairs and aim to redeem them.

Although, work still needs to be done in making the world an equal place for both men and women. I believe it starts from trading our little children to respect one another no matter the gender involved.

In view, I would like to invite @jmis101 to check this out.

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