Ladies of hive contest week #153 How I become healthy through happiness

Good day ladies of hive its been a long time since i was here due to some reasons but i am happy to write in this community today. It's my pleasure to share my view in this week contest. And i want to specaily thank @ifarmgir

The image is mine

One of the annoying part i found in my friend is not being friendly and free. Because a friendly atmosphere or character also contribute to a good health, one thing i observe is whenever you feel free with people around you, a strong relief will come. You will be more health than before. To me i normally feel so good and happy when ever i am free with my partner, friends or relations i do show kindness to everyone around me, not only that its grows understanding between the two friends and also develop love and trust. Between them i also main to understand that being happy also contribute to our hood metal and physical health which even the doctors cannot even provide

Another annoying thing that i want my friend to get ride of is Anger. Anger is said to be another bad spirit that lives in human beings, anger is a killer and can distroy a man if we don't control it. The ability to control anger determine on how strong we are. When i say strong i mean strong in mind and having a large heart to be able to control and over come any kind of situations. This are the annoying things i would like my friend to get ride of and that will make her humble, respectful and kind.

Please i will appreciate it if you vote and comment
Sending love from your girl @Helenchy

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