Ladies of Hive Community Contest #62


Do you like to travel or stay close to home over the holidays?

The answer to this question feels complicated for a number of reasons. Ever since my mother passed away, Christmas has not been the same, so I am still figuring out what I like to do during the holidays.

I always like to travel when given the opportunity. So, from that standpoint, the answer seems obvious. However, I don't travel like most people. In recent years, when I travel, it is usually for at least six weeks. Last time, it was for six months.

This is not because I am insanely wealthy. That would be convenient, but, alas. Rather, I travel very inexpensively. I find deals on accommodation that make the cost comparable to what I might pay in rent. I try to find places that allow me to cook and store my own food.

For some people, a vacation is seeing a ton of new sights. For others, it is living in the lap of luxury for a short time. For me, it is going somewhere beautiful, preferably where there is a nice swimming pool and plenty of fresh local produce, especially fruit. If the ocean is nearby, that is a wonderful bonus!

Most of the time, recently, when I travel, it is related to depression. For example, I spent several months last year in Southern British Columbia because I needed to escape winter and have access to a swimming pool. I had almost lost my ability to walk, so the swimming pool for physical rehabilitation was essential. Escaping winter was just for my sanity.

I thought of going back this year, but it was hard to justify the expense, so I decided not to go. I am glad I didn't go, though, because my father became very ill, so it is good that I am in town as it turns out.

I missed being around loved ones last Christmas. That is a downside to traveling. So, this year, it will be nice to be with family.

The truth is that the idea of travel fills me with a deep sense of longing. I want to get out of this city. I want to see the ocean. I want to feel better. But would I feel better? It always seems like I would and then the reality does not necessarily live up to the promise.

The nice thing about being home is that I am surrounded by the people, cats, and things that I love. So, there is an upside. That is what I tell myself!

Happy holidays everyone!

Oh, and I recommend @deraaa to join in the the contest... probably next week, since this one's deadline is looming!

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