Look who got into hive!!!


Hi everyone, this is my introductory note into the hive ecosystem.I'm so glad to be part of this community that supports individuals in reaching their full potential on all fronts, irrespective of socio-cultural diversities. This really means a lot to starters like me.
Thanks to @ibbtammy who's been my support system and mind booster always teaching me the rudiments and making corrections.


My name is Hannah Amazing, I'm a storyteller, which means I love to share my experiences and that of others. My personal experiences form the core of my storytelling acumen. As a youth, my few years in the world have shaped my thinking. I like to hear and read narratives of nations, thriving and failing governments, religions and what makes people unique. I also admire stories that have a sense of authenticity crested in them. I'm not perfect, but I like to be real and present things in their raw state, undiluted and free from sentiments. I'm a lover of autobiographies too, that's why I admire chimamanda's writings as well as Camara laye and Maya Angelou's books because the average fellow can relate to the experiences that they try to portray about humanity and life generally.


I'm proudly Nigerian originally from up north (kaduna) but I'm married to my partner who is a southerner from the great Benin kingdom. I've spent a few years trying to blend into new cultures and belief systems of the 'bini' people and thanks to their accommodating personalities. About what I think about these people, they are like ice, once they understand your personality, they melt and invest their energy. Severally, I've engaged some and was glad I did and it saved me from cultural shock that some folks had to go through, my upbringing irrespective.

Talking about my upbringing or childhood, I'm the second of five children. I happen to be in a position that our Nigerian Igbo counterparts call the 'Ada' a term which is loosely used to describe the first female child born into a family. This is one of the most demanding titles I know about since one could practically get exhausted from performing their Ada duties. In Nigeria, domestic duties and chores are delegated to firstborn females. Cooking, cleaning babysitting and guardian duties are the responsibility of the Ada.

Firstborn females are also role models for their younger ones. I found myself in this position that I had no prior preparation for, yet I had to play the pro. My family is a close-knit one, middle-class, we bonded. Each shout, laugh, spank, query, gossip and fights were jeered towards bonding us. With the passing of my mother, my siblings stresslessly see me as a perfect replacement for her. Even though deep inside me, I knew that not even me can play that role of 'nma' as we fondly called her back in the day. I mean, who can fit into a good woman's shoes?
She was a natural actor, not faking anything. Everything she did to or for us was for one purpose- making us a lot better.But me, sometime I feel like playing the motherhood role towards my siblings was me trying so hard to be what I'm not qualified for, nevertheless I thrive in this😊.


My four year escape happened when I went to study a four year course at the University. My school was a blend of students from diverse socio-religious walks of life.There I had the avenue of meeting new friends with diverse belief systems. Meeting people is just one of my hobbies and yet I would never initiate a 'hello'.πŸ˜‰ I'm an introvert and you know how we roll right?πŸ™ƒI mean who doesn't understand...


Who says introverts don't love social gatherings? I'm an exception. But I'd never bring up the topic. Just suggest went out for an 'owambe' (party in Yoruba language) and I'm all in.I also love to dance but only when the hype is high...I mean when I am ushered in.
Again, I hate abuse and misappropriation. I mean, why should a person derive pleasure in spoiling another man's countenance? I think it's mean. Back in the day, I'd go all out to defend my siblings and I'd do more for my friends now although this time without engaging in a physical feat.


Did I mention that I love vacations? Well I do and if I had the chance I'll do this over and again. It helps to keep the mind fit since one gets to interact and take selfies. It's so amazing how fast life leaves man behind. Taking pictures of memorable moment wouldn't be a bad idea, would it? Take life easy, yet be very intentional about every single day. You'd be glad you did.
This hive community has really recreated my existence within just a few days, I can't even express how I feel. I'm a fashion designer and a creator. I love to express myself through creativity. Hopefully, I'll incorporate some of my ideas on hive. To me, Hive is not just a community that connects, it is life itself. And what is life if it is not to put smiles on another's face.

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