[LOH#95] What Makes me Angry


It's another wonderful week with subjects from the @ladiesofhive community.


One thing that angers me so much is being wrongfully accused or lied to.
I despise dishonesty with all in me. I know the truth hurts sometimes but I should get to hear it from you than find one myself.
Also, I detest being unfairly accused. You should confront me when you heard anything about me or ask inquiries before presuming. I have been there multiple times and when I come to know I have been lied to, I entirely remove myself from that person since I have lost trust in that person.
Trust is like a shattered mirror no matter how you restore it, it can't return to its previous state

How long do you remain mad?

When am upset about small concerns I don't let them stay long or pass that day. But when it comes to lies or dishonesty I could forgive you but never trust you again and even know I will, it may truly take a lot of time. That doesn't mean I wouldn't talk to the individual again. But it's my method of safeguarding my mental wellness. In those procedures, I could test your confidence again.

What pacify my anger?

Most time when I am upset, I decide to be left alone so I don't transmit aggressiveness to anybody or say something aggressively that I would regret later.


Another thing that helps quiet down my rage is listening to music. I have tried it several times and it works.
Whenever I am upset I listen to calm and soothing music in a peaceful spot.
When am okay I can now connect with people.

I would love to invite my friends @capitanabeach @elizabethbit to join the @ladiesofhive contest. You can know more about it here

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