[LOH #167] Learning Programming

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Hello friends, how are you doing? It's another weekly contest of the @ladiesofhive community. I did wait for this week's prompt to be out and it's here. Do well to join here.

Skills are actually good. Our skill can be a source of income,it can also be your talent or passion you have.
We all have that skill we want to learn. This can be online or offline. I love online and tech skills and also love when women do them because they are different from what other women do and women with such skills are well respected and valued because it's not really easy learning and knowing them.


This year I want to improve in all areas of my life so I am getting a new skill. I want to learn programming. Many people I have told about my plans will say it's not easy, but yeah that's my passion and nothing is easy. We have different programming languages divided into the front end and back end.
Last two years I started out with html and css but to be sincere I have forgotten them because I wasn't practicing. My hindrance was that I didn't have a laptop.

Now I will venture into the back end since I have a little idea about the front end. Although it is advisable to start with the front end and maybe I will give myself weeks or months to get to know more and then fully learn the backend.
I have already made inquiries about the academy where I can learn but they are quite costly, about $200.
I'm thinking of starting using the Internet and some apps like solo learning that helped me start out before.

It's really not going to be easy combining this with school but I have to give it a try. If it takes more of my time or can't combine the both I will learn content writing.
I will take courses on it and learn more on how to write. That way I can start applying for remote jobs, making it an additional gain to me.

Thank you for reading

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