[LOH #149] Most Embarrassing Moment

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Hello friends, happy new week. Wishing you an amazing week ahead.

Nobody likes any form of embarrassment because whenever you remember the incident you feel ashamed of yourself. One thing I hate very much is embarrassing incidents. happen that will make you want to disappear at that particular time.



It happened last year in church. We were celebrating youth day. In my church every department which includes women, men , children, youth and teens have a day assigned to them. That day they hand over to them early to perform all what they have which includes their personal presentation and group presentation like singing, drama, choir.
Some activities, the leader assigns to a person to do it.

So our youth president told me to read our Sunday school manual and present it that youth day. To be sincere I did read and cram it. I also did some practice and made corrections of where I was wrong.
It got to Sunday and I was so tense.i couldn't even stay in church. I was going out and in and my body was shaking. It got to my presentation and my name was called.

When I went in front of the church and saw the large congregation. Normally I am not the kind of person who likes crowds and seeing them all stare at me got me really scared. My legs and hands began to shake and my voice started shaking too.
That fear made me forget everything I had cramped and I started starmming until time was over.

It was as if the ground should open and swallow me. I couldn't stay. I had to immediately leave church with that shame. Others did well in their presentation. Why was I different?
Since then I hate doing all those kinds of presentations in church. I prefer just sitting in a crowd or doing it in a group. Well I started learning how to talk in public although I haven't overcome the fear entirely.

Thank you for your reading

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