[LOH#107] Rules For Going On A Date

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Hello friends, hope you are doing well. It's another weekly prompt of the @ladiesofhive.

We all have gone on a date at one time or the other. It may either be a business date or a romantic date either method these rules apply to them. Me, I enjoy coming to an open environment particularly if it's a blind date( someone haven't met the person before) for security concerns.

A romantic date is not also for also persons who wish to join a relationship, or who is already in a relationship. It is also for persons who are already married. At certain times take a break from work and enjoy some quality time with your spouse it helps.


Keep to time
Whether it's a first-time day or not. It is vital to stick to time, it shows respect. If a surprising engagement came out do good to notify your, spouse. It may be traffic too but make sure they are informed so they don't stay waiting for long.

Dress well
Whether be it a business or romantic occasion dress properly. If it's a business date dress officially and it's a romantic date take your time to do your makeup, scent well, and put on fantastic clothes.

Keep a happy face
You don't need to take an bad event that occurred a few hours to date. If you're not happy you can reschedule. Don't spoil your date by retaining an angry look or being Sad. The first impression truly counts especially if it's your first time with the individual.

Don't order something you can't afford
This rule seems weird yet that's the reality. Some individuals consider a date as a location to eat what they haven't eaten before and may still take packages home. Put your spouse in your shoes and afford what you can actually purchase for yourself.
Going on a date isn't just about eating but spending time and understanding more about each other.

Avoid Distraction
While you went on a date to interact and spend quality time with each other understand more about yourself. Avoid distractions like phone calls from the workplace or persons that may distract you.

I would love to invite @mell79 to share her view on this topic. You can know more here

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