Ladies of Hive #160: A Christmas without you

A Christmas without you, letter to my grandmother in Heaven.jpg

Loneliness was my first friend after your departure, your memories my consolation, your advice my joy.


Death is that journey that we all have for sure in this life, an unexpected journey for which it is difficult to be prepared for the fear that invades us, a mystery that takes you to the beyond to that unknown world where the soul has a place.

Most of us celebrate year after year the day of our birth, but when we die others will be in charge of paying tribute to our history, the truth is that the day of our departure we leave a very big void in the hearts of those who love us.

Ironies of life I do not know, the truth is that that day we have the attention of many people, we leave for a moment of anonymity, for a day we become popular, awakens an interest in our story, too bad we are not there to hear, see so many details.

Just at that moment it is discovered that many had things to tell you, issues to clarify with you, confessions, but the time is over, it is late to manifest those words.

This quiz week ladie @jane1289 invites us to reflect on death and here is my entry to one of her questions, one that really moved me, thanks @jane1289 .

📌 Do you know someone dear to your heart who passed away unexpectedly? In case he/she can read your letter from heaven, what do you want to tell him/her? You can express your feelings, emotions and everything you have been holding inside that you had not expressed before their passing.


✏️A Christmas without you

✏️Letter to my grandmother in heaven



December is just around the corner, the hallacas and the lights of the trees are already noticeable, the sad part of all this show is that this will be one more Christmas without you, I only have your sweet memory, the words that come from my heart that I want to tell you grandmother, I miss you, Christmas is not the same without you.

I would like to go back in time, hug you tightly, prevent you from leaving, you left without warning, leaving a cold emptiness at home.

Today my heart leaps as I write, because I imagine that I send you a letter to heaven impregnated with the perfume of the love I feel for you, I sigh, I think of you, there are so many things I wish to tell you, my hand trembles and my heart is moved by just thinking of you.

I imagine that an Angel is coming for my letter to take it to you, my grandmother, this is my message to you.

Only God knows how much I miss you, the desire I have to see you again, hug you, laugh with you, listen to your riddles and sayings.

At home my mother always remembers you, especially at this time of the year, it is still hard to accept that you are gone, the family is no longer the same; I try to avoid looking at your chair, that space you used to occupy every day while you were talking to me and my sisters.

You know grandma, there are days when I wake up weighing you, then I close my eyes and I delight in those beautiful memories, because only in them I can embrace you again.

You can't imagine the crazy things I have done in my dreams when I dream of you, it seems unbelievable that you are alive, happy, beautiful, I don't want to wake up, I wish I had the power to stop it.

I remember that you always told me my little girl, my chelita, here I am grandma, the years have not passed in vain, your chelita grew up.

This will be another Christmas without you, the nice thing is that always when we are in family we remember your stories, jokes, your witticisms still make us laugh.

The day you left was a surprise, I was not prepared for that farewell, you fell asleep, I am not writing to complain to you grandma, you had to rest, today I want to thank you for so many beautiful memories for giving me so much love, I miss you and you know it very well.

I know you will no longer come to me, but don't worry grandma my time to travel to heaven will also come, I have safe tickets to the afterlife, I don't know when I will come to visit you, what is certain is that this day will be special, I will come to stay with you.

Time will pass, the years do not pass in vain grandmother, life is a breath that one day goes out, thank you grandmother your granddaughter Gracielita loves you.



thank you very much @jane1289, this week's questions touched my emotions

☃️Ladies of Hive Community Contest #160

☃️ORIGINAL CONTENT OF @graciel-chan
☃️Translator: DeepL
☃️Imagen de portada editada en Canva
☃️Separadores: Canva, fondo Remove.big

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