Ladies of Hive #158: Dear Diary I am in a Horror Story.

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πŸŽƒ Trick or treat

Hello Community, I am back to share with you in this new contest of the week:


Write a blog with 500 words on any topic, as you would do in your diary. The diary is a freewrite but must be true, up close and personal!

Esto me encanta, dejare plasmado lo que ahora siento:

πŸŽƒ Dear Diary

Today I woke up with a stabbing pain in my heart, the sadness caused by the days that passed after my love contract expired still makes my thoughts turbulent, my world is in turbulence.

The ghosts of those days of love haunt my head today, I feel tired, I want to cry but I have no tears left, everything is useless, there is no turning back, my contract of love is burnt, there will be no renewal.

My world of colors became black and white, everything was distorted, the terror of loneliness came to my room, there will be no more him and me, that love that I felt today is a torment.

I did not feel like getting out of bed, I did not want to open my eyes to live this nightmare, this prison in which I now feel I am paying a sentence, I am drowning in my sorrows, my soul is screaming with pain..

I have a lot of complaints in my mind right now, my own regrets make me look like a soul in pain, living face to face with my demons, yet I must move on, pretend I'm okay in front of those who care about me.

Another day more trying to come to terms with this tragic episode, seeking to gather from the ashes of heartbreak what is still left of my feelings.

I am broken, a piece of my life is gone behind that evil boy, that witch that with his charms manipulated me, for a long time I believed in all his lies, lies that I devoured, a love you that did not exist.

I wish I could erase this story and write myself a happy ending, maybe then I could feel a little alive and stop being the Zombie I look at in the mirror every morning.

I miss the joy, I am in mourning, my heart is closed, I need time to heal, to let my wounds heal.

The sweetness on my face is gone, everyone at home realizes that I still hurt from what happened, my friends, my parents, they keep encouraging me to go ahead with my dreams, they are the painkiller for my pain.

I must get up from this withered floor and find the way out of this nightmare, draw colors where there are none, seize the ghosts, imprison these demons, find hope.

Today everything is still the same, it hurts a lot, in me there are many withered dreams, I know that everything has a solution in this life, the best thing will be to continue with the work in the healing of my soul.

I will move on, I will rise like the phoenix from this ashes and I will take my flight with elegance, I will leave this painful past, this horror story, I will master my fears, the insecurities that are now daggers.

This was my heart unburdening its sorrows after 3 months of a breakup, that's all for today dear diary.


thank you very much, Ladies!
Questions this week by: @brittandjosie

Contenido de @graciel-chan πŸŽƒ Translator: DeepL


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