My last photo: ladies of hives contest #183

Hello hiver
It's great to be part of this great community #ladiesofhives and to participate in this week#183 contest
The question I will like to answer is Question 1:
What is the last photo you took and what is the story behind it.
This are the last pictures I took on my phone. This was taken on Sunday the 28 April 2024.

The story behind this picture:

Sundays are the only free days that I have for visitation and relaxation.
This is because I work from Monday to Saturday. Then on Sunday I go to church then after service I either relax in my house or I visit my family or friends.

This picture was taken after church service on Sunday.

I went to visit my parents directly from my church. When I reach the family house no one was there, apparently they were not back from church and I was not with my keys to the family house.

While waiting for them to be back from church, I noticed myself at the reflective glass window and I said to myself Am beautiful without makeup and this spore me up to take some pictures of myself.

I needed to be sure that I wasn't looking bad in church since I decided not to wear any makeup to church this last Sunday.

Since i was the only one around i had to position my phone at the window so i can snap my back and side. I did this for fun and i kept myself busy till my parents were back from church.

That's my story and thanks for reading.

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