LoH contest 105: do no harm

Moral principles do not depend on a majority vote, wrong is wrong even if everybody is wrong. Right is right even if everybody is right. -Fulton J. Sheen

This week's contest question in ladiesofhive is courtesy of

Do you have a personal guiding principle (or a mantra) by which you live? If you do, what is it and how is it impacting your life so far?

Principles are rules or beliefs that guide us in life. If there is one thing that is constant in life then it is principles. Principles help us a lot, it helps people to become successful in life, to even become better person. Although there are some negative principles generally principles provide guidance

My guiding principle in life is Do no harm


Growing I got to know that the world is full of different people both good and bad. And one thing that struck me the most is that people always what to take revenge for how they have been treated or cheated. I remember when I was a little girl my cousin broke my doll and I plan to pay her back in her coin by destroying her teddy bear. Fortunately, for me, I run the thought by my mom. She looked at me, shook her head and asked if I would get back my doll back after destroying the bear. She went on to tell me two wrongs don't make a right, and there I decide that revenge is not really what I wanted. I was angry, yes, but if I paid her back I would be like her. So since then, I try to live by the do no harm principle
This principle has helped me a lot to cope with disappointment and pain. There are times when I am so hurt by other people's actions that I get tempted to pay them back in their coin, but then I remember that two wrongs don't make a right and this always helps calm me down. The world has become so terrible and keeps getting more terrible. People no longer care about other people, they harm others without thinking of the consequences. Sometimes I do think perhaps if we all do good irrespective of the harm done to us perhaps the world would become a better place

The second question

If Hive were a dish (food), what would it be and why do you say so?

If hive were a dish then it would be pizza.


The pizza dough would be the hive blockchain, this is because as the dough is the foundation for pizza, hive blockchain is the platform through which all hivians meet. The cheese would be hivers, as make all pizza ingredients stick together so also hivers keep hive thriving. The vegetables and other ingredients would be the communities on hives, because there are different ingredients to use for pizza as there are different communities on hive

I will be inviting @sommylove to enter for the contest

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