Walking Away Is The Best Decision #LOH 173


Having pregnancy with a rude in-law and an incapable partner that cannot stand for me isn't a good things to experience. The combination of this two could leads the pregnant woman into depression, stress and anxiety, which can affect both the mother and the child well-being.

This make me to remember what my friend went through in the hands of her in-laws during her pregnancy stage and how this nearly caused her life and the life of her unborn child.

It happened around last year. During this my friend's pregnancy stages, her in law always asked to carried a lot of multiple task. Whenever she complained to her husband about the stress and effect of the task on her body, her husband always shouted on her that she just being lazy.

As time went on, as a result of the smoke of firewood used in cooking, excess of work, depression and malnutrition, she had rupture of the membranes (simple know as early water breakage) when her pregnant was just around 7month, which also makes her to went through CS (caesarean section) doing her delivery stage.

Some women have lost their life as a result of having rude in-law, and incapable husbands who doesn't love standing up for his wife. Sometimes, seeing my fellow woman going through this kind of marriage, I always wonder why some woman love punishing themselves in the name of marriage that didn't worth staying for.

However, Most of the challenges that some women always have which makes them to find it so difficult to leave such a marriage is not being self-independent. That is why I always advice people to be self-independent, have their own financial income before going into marriage.

Well, if someone doesn't have financial freedom , its also advisable to still move out of such relationship because of herself and unborn child's well being

As for me, I didn't pray to found myself in such situation but moving out of such relationship is the best things to do because of my well being and that of my unborn child really matters a lot.

Thanks For Your Time On Your Post.

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