Like A Charming Gardener, They Make My Soul Blossom || LOH Contest #192

How much does friendship mean to me?

A friend is one of the best things one can be and one of the greatest things one can have.


Friendship in its truest form is such a beautiful thing; sometimes I wonder where I would be today without some of my friends having my back when I needed it most.

Friendship is celebrating one another when we win and being there for one another through tough times. It doesn't matter if they are close by or far away; it warms my heart to know I have some friends that we can always count on.

Friendship is to love selflessly and to allow oneself to be loved in return. It is a mutual respect, trust, loyalty, and the ability to share thoughts and be vulnerable with each other.

Do I make friends easily?

I find meetings and getting to know people interesting. I met a young woman like myself during one of my antenatal hospital appointments; over two years ago, we were both attending the same antenatal.

After our doctor's appointment, We shared pleasantries, and we kind of flowed with the same vibes and energy instantly. That was the beginning of a beautiful friendship and until these days, we are still growing stronger.

Making friends for me isn't hard; as soon as we can vibe and connect, I'm always open to new friendships. The depth of my friendships isn't measured by how many years we have known each other but by how easily we connect on a deeper and more meaningful level.

There are friends that, even when we just met, it seemed like we had known each other for ages; we just clicked and connected. While for some, it would take us time to learn and blend.

This I have learned to cherish so much, and sometimes I have found a long-lasting and beautiful relationship by doing so.

I'm always grateful to friends for making my life worthwhile; they are like that charming Gardener who makes my soul blossom 🌼


My Cycles of friends have always been minimal right from time; for me, I like to keep things real, honest, and loyal. With minimal friends, it is easier for me.

I have some amazing friends that we haven't seen in three years, and we keep in touch through phone calls now and then, even though we are far apart, it almost feels like we see one another from time to time. Though there are very few in my circle like that I cherish their relationship with every being in my heart.

There are friends, and there are genuine friends. The latter is most times rare. So if you are lucky enough to find some genuine friends, guide the relationship tightly and cherish them dearly.

And if a friend ever lets you down, do not let it stop you from opening up to new people and choosing new friends. Because our friends are human as well, and we are all bound to make mistakes. The important thing is that we learn from our mistakes and make better choices.

This is my entry into this Week's Ladies of Hive community contest. Thank You, I wish you a lovely weekend.❣️🥰

@funshee ✍️
All Images are Mine

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