Let's Talk About Some Must-Have Traits For A Good Parent ||| LOH Contest #186

Parenting is such an important job in our society, in fact, the most important. A great society starts from home, where parents do a great job raising their children to become responsible adults.

In this job, there are no written down manuscripts but all parents have distinctive traits that help them navigate this very crucial job. I call parenting the most intriguing adventure there is, it can be very challenging and rewarding at the same time.

In my response to this week's Ladies of hive community contest I will be talking about the top three traits for me , that I think is very important for all parents to have.

Trait One; Unconditional love

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The moment I felt the existence of another life growing inside my belly, my whole world changed, I felt an unimaginable amount of joy and when I finally held him in my arms for the very first time, I felt like my heart could explode, the happiness in my heart had no bond. I felt like I had the whole world in my palms. And until the end of time, I will always feel this way about my son, no matter what.

That is love, unconditional love. One of the very important traits a good parent must have. Unconditional love is required of every parent, to give their children their best because every child deserves this kind of love.

Children need to grow up with this kind of love from their parents, and in their environment, so they can grow into happy and responsible adults.

We must learn how to tap into this love in our hearts, when we tend to them, when we feed them, clothes them, and nurture them and even when we correct their mistakes we must do so constructively from a place of love.

This love between parents and their children never ends, it is until death do them part, even when kids are grown up they still require their parent's love. Because the parenting journey as a whole does not have an end.

The second trait a parent should have is flexibility

A good parent must be flexible and keep an open mind when nurturing their kids. They must know that children are constantly changing as they grow, so a flexible parent will be able to adapt and adjust continuously as a child grows.

A flexible parent will realize that children are different and every child is unique in their way, and to get the best out of them a parent must be flexible enough to identify their unique personality and accept them for who they are.

This takes me to the third trait a parent should have, since in this contest we are to talk about just three traits a parent should have to perform their parenting role optimally.


Patience, they say, is a virtue. Bringing up a child requires a lot of patience from parents. This trait is required to teach them the right things from wrong, we need patience to be there for them when they get sick. When they are at their worst or their best. We need to be patient with them as they are growing and changing, to learn about them to be able to better guide them.

It takes some level of patience to teach them how to take care of themselves and grow into an independent responsible adult. When it comes to parenting, I don't think that, there is any amount of patience that can be said to be too much, because, trust me, it requires a lot. But do not worry it is inside everyone one of us.

One good thing is that we all have these important traits in us as parents, God makes sure there is an abundance of it deposited in us, we just have to learn to tap into it so that we can get the very best out of our kids.

Thank you very much for visiting my blog and for your support, until next time take care🥰❤

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