Rest and relaxation with cool music are my stress relievers. Loh#201

As a dedicated teacher in a bustling public secondary school in Lagos, Nigeria, my days are filled with multiple periods of teaching, marking 2809 students' scripts with other ad-hoc duties assigned to me. Also, taking care of my family, getting my children ready for school every single day, and coming back in the evening to attend to their needs is stressful. However, to ensure I'm prepared for the demands of my job, family, and self-care, I've adopted a routine that involves rest and relaxation with cool music. This is my number one stress reliever to recharge and tackle the challenges of teaching in a highly populated school.


In today's world, stress is an unwelcome companion that follows us from dawn to dusk. From the moment we wake up to the time we sleep, life's hustles and hurdles can be overwhelming. Every day is a battle against stress, and it's easy to get caught up in the chaos. But I've learned that taking care of myself is crucial, and that's why I prioritize rest and relaxation with cool music.

Although I'm not a heavy sleeper, I know that 4 hours of sleep isn't enough. Most adults need 6-8 hours of sleep per day to function optimally. But with my busy schedule, it's challenging to get the recommended amount of sleep. That's why I make time to rest, even if it's just 5 minutes. I lie down, re-energize, and recharge. Rest is essential for a healthy life, and I believe it's crucial to take breaks.

In a world that glorifies busyness and productivity, taking breaks can seem impossible But trust me, it's necessary. Our bodies and minds need time to recover from the constant stimulation and demands of modern life. By taking short breaks, we can improve our focus, increase productivity, and enhance our overall well-being.

I'm not saying it's easy. With the constant pressure to perform and deliver, it's tempting to push through and ignore our body's signals. However, I've learned that ignoring my need for rest only leads to burnout and decreased productivity in the long run.

So, how do I prioritize rest in my busy life? I Take 5-minute breaks throughout the day to stretch especially whenever I'm on the keyboard, breathe deeply, or simply sit quietly. I use my lunch break to take a walk or meditate. And when I am feeling overwhelmed, I take a power nap or practice muscle relaxation. Whether I'm scrolling through my phone or browsing the internet, those 5 minutes of rest are vital.


What we should remember is that rest is not a luxury; it's a necessity. By prioritizing rest, you'll be more focused, productive, and better equipped to handle life's challenges. Don't wait until you're burned out to take action. Make rest a habit today. I'm intentional about taking care of myself, and I encourage others to do the same. Let's make rest a non-negotiable part of our daily routine.

If you care for your total well-being and want to live a longer life, rest and relaxation are a sure plug. This life has no duplicate!

My response to the #ladiesofhive community contest #201.Thank you,@elizabethbit for this week.

The images used are mine

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