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Greetings to all my beautiful ladies.
Every day has its own wonderful experience, my weekdays are mainly work days and my weekends are for resting, reading, writing(blogging)cleaning, cooking and partying if any. I have picked a weekday experience to share with you.

It's 4'30am and the alarm clock ⏰ won't stop ringing until I am up to put it off. A quick prayer to the Almighty God for another gift of life I rush to the kitchen to make breakfast and lunch for the family.

My family loves oath for breakfast and the kids love spaghetti, vegetables and chicken for lunch. I put in a food flask for the kids and my lovely husband too because they would have lunch at school and be back by 3:00 pm. I have a baby that goes to the creche so I also pack her food that would be sufficient for her till am back from work.

With the traffic situation, Fuel scarcity and driving for about two and half hours would be more expensive but if I take the government bus it's cheaper and faster. Now I get to read up stories from hive, blog and also write some stories on the bus.

I drill industry boreholes and I install water treatment plants for factories, residential buildings, estates and high-rise buildings. Giving instructions and managing the drilling site is what I do basically. I have to visit at least 2sites in a day and solve the problem if any.
SITE 1. Stuck drilling pipe at 600ft.
The use of Manpower jacks to enable pipes easy from the ground while we wait for the crane to pull out the drilling pipes.

SITE 2. Borehole development by airlifting with compressors was successfully done all good. Site work done for the day.

On my way back from work I continue blogging and send replies to pending messages till I get home.
It's 6:30 pm, home sweet home on the days the traffic situation is mild, I get home early.

Everyone is home, I have to check the kid's homework and have a little interactive section with them, afterwards, I make dinner, clean up the kitchen, take my kids to bed and if am not so sleepy I blog, watch movies, chat with my friends and family.
Thank you for reading.
All pictures are my pictures from my phone.
I would like to invite @dimmablogs to join this contest.
All thanks to @brittandjosie for your great contributions to the ladies of hive.
This week's contest.