My wardrobe #69

Hi everyone! This is my entry for ladiesofhive contest, where I am going to share my wardrobe with the three of must have pieces in it. So let's move towards it.

Here is my wardrobe, which currently have 24 outfits, because some are in my washing machine for laundry, and some are in drawer which I will press on the weekend. All my outfits, are long shirts, with baggy trousers, as I avoid wearing t-shirts and shorts.

This outfit, is my most favorite one which I wear whenever I go for outing. It has full covered sleeves and so comfortable for outings specially in winters. I can't imagine my wardrobe without this outfit.

The next item of my wardrobe, is comfortable for summer, as it is made with pure cotton, which is cool to wear in hot weather. This outfit is also closed to my heart as it is gifted by my mother, so I wear it very seldom because I don't want it to get old soon.


The last but not least, is this long abaya which has a beautiful top with black bottom. I just love its sleeves, and mostly I wear it whenever I go for shopping. It helps me to feel comfortable while doing bargaining with the sellers. It is accurate for both summer and winters, so this is the must-have piece in my wardrobe.


Here I am with my wardrobe, wearing this abaya, but sorry for not showing my face due to some reasons, I hope you can understand.

So these three items are must have items in my wardrobe, the first one for winters, second is for summers, and the last one is both for summer and winters.

Thanks for reading.
@wajihafawad is invited.

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