Recurring dreams

Thursday, 2nd of November 2023 [94]

Recurring dreams! Now that’s a subject I love to talk about. I have always been fascinated by dreams and their interpretation, ever since I was a teenager. I guess it must be because the first recurring dreams of mine started back then and they never ceased till this day.

I was therefore super excited to read about Jane’s (@jane1289) dreams and find that they’re the topic for this week’s LOH writing contest. And by ‘this week’ I mean 4 months ago 😂 as it was community contest for week 141 . That’s how long ago I started this draft and while it was almost completely written, for some reason I never posted it. Maybe it was waiting for what happened last week, which you will find towards the of this post. The recurring dreams subject was asked by @kerrislravenhill

Truth be told, my recurring dreams used to scare me a lot back when I was a teenager. Not because they were scary in themselves, but because after having this particular dream there would always be an unpleasant incident following that dream a day or two after I dreamt it. I’m not sure if that was a coincidence or whether there was such correlation, but what I am sure of is that our minds are incredibly powerful super-computers which can make or break our life.

One small example of it. When I was a child and didn’t want to go to school for whatever reason, I would think very intently about having a stomach ache the night before and voila – I would manifest that stomach ache the following morning. I could give you ample examples of this, but that’s not exactly the subject of this week’s topic.

What I am trying to say however is that I am not sure whether there was a correlation between my recurring dreams and unpleasant events that happened afterwards or whether I had assumed that there is and BELIEVED that something bad will always happen after I had one of those dreams.

What are my recurring dreams about?


1st one is when I find abundance of riches in my dream. They come in many forms. Sometimes it’s money – coins and banknotes, sometimes it can be jewellery and other times it could be abundance of delicious food – fancy dishes, desserts, and drinks. In my recurring dream they appear out of nowhere and there is so much of it I can never manage to collect it all. Money raining from the sky, jewellery scattered around the meadow, tables stacked with favourite foods. It always makes me wonder where do these come from and why did I have to wake up before I collected it all?

As I write this, I remember the words of Napoleon Hill from his book ‘Think and grow rich’.

‘When riches begin to come, they come so quickly, in such great abundance, that one wonders where they have been hiding in all those lean years.’

Almost like flowers on orchids!

Isn’t that weird that this recurring dream started years before I even knew Napoleon Hill existed, yet my dreams perfectly represent the quote above. Please, someone comment here that all those dreams mean that I will be filthy rich one day soon. Hopefully today already! That’s already way too late anyway! I’ve been waiting for these riches all my life 😉


Speaking of being late… that’s the subject of the second recurring dream I have had for years. These also started around the same time as the riches dream. Even before I developed a habit of always being late. Cause that happened too – as soon as I started being responsible for my own timing.

I must say this habit is being continually curbed by me in various ways over the past few years. At least there is a clear distinction between when it is important to be on time and when it’s not so crucial.

Back to my recurring dream though. As a child and teenager, I often travelled by public transport. A bus or a train most often. Most of my family lived around 300km away and with my mum and my brother we would always take a train to go visit them during summer holidays. At first my recurring dream would always be about being late for that train. Either going to my family or coming back home, I would always take so long getting ready that I would miss the train.

Since I started traveling by a plane, being late for a plane has become a new addition to my recurring dreams. Sometimes I’m also late for a bus. Somehow I’m never late for a party… I guess that’s because being late to a party is fashionable.

Over the years these dreams evolved. It’s like I’m aware in them and I realise I can tweak it or at least my approach to the outcome. At some point my auntie was in that dream and she behaved like me, running around like a headless chicken, packing, but being preoccupied with so many details that the was no desireable result in any of it. I remember sitting on the side and saying to her that this is all in vane and there is no way we can make it.

While this might sound like me being pesimistic, looking back at it today, I feel like back then I already knew that ‘this’ was just not the way, although at this point in time I have a better understanding of what ‘this’ is. It’s the sum of all our experiences, good and bad that we stored inside, that create our personality, or rather the distractions from what/who we really are. By storing them, we block our vital energy… but about that maybe in another post. While hibernating these past weeks, I have been learning a lot!

To sum up these 2 most often recurring dreams of mine’s - dreaming about huge amounts of riches is always very pleasant, waking up to realise it was just a dream however would leave me feeling a little disappointed. Being late for something would leave pretty similar feeling - disappointment and/or guilt.

Guilt especially seems to be one of my core scars that run very deep and are often tricky for me to catch myself feeling, as the feeling is so familiar as if it was a part of me. It kinda is 😉


Another type of dreams I experienced is what I named ‘serial dreams’. I would dream a particularly interesting dream and then my bladder (or something else) would wake me up. I’d go to the toilet, keeping my focus on the feeling of that dream and then go back to bed and jump right back into the same dream 😁

Usually it would happen all in one night/morning, but on a few occassions I happened to continue the same dream over the period of a few nights. It was as if I started some calculations one night and then I needed to continue it until it was finished. I’d be writing on a white board like in a classroom, with shiny blue marker. That was probably one of the weirdest yet fascinating things that happened in my dream state.

Anyone ever experienced similar thing? Let me know in the comments section! I love hearing about people’s night dreams.

Small addition here… as I update this draft from 4 months ago! Last week I went for a walk at lunch and as I crossed the road, I saw something familiar looking on the road.

‘Oh, look, it’s a £2 coin!’ I thought to myself and bent down to pick it up.

I was about to polish it on my jeans and blow on it ‘for luck’ when I saw another £2 coin nearby, then another £2, then £1 and one more £1… almost like in this recurring dream of mine, except there was an end to it 😉

I collected £8 in total and in truth I was already some sort of ashamed picking them all, as in my head someone must have been watching me picking up these coins from one of many windows of the blocks of flats surrounding that road 😂

Seriously? What a thought to come to mind while picking up money laying on the street 🤷🏻‍♀️

Which in turn got me thinking… am I even ready for all those riches to come or would I also feel some sort of ashamed of being filthy rich?

Hmmm… some food for thought!

Until next time 💙


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