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Relationship Saga #204

Hello Beautiful Ladies of Hive! I hope you're all doing well today. I came across this week’s contest and thought it was interesting because it touches on something that happens in almost every relationship.
So, I’ll be sharing how I was able to resolve my own relationship issues.


Everybody wants the type of relationship expressed in the image above right. Then kindly ready through how they navigated on agreements and disagreements (The Yes and No Side of It)

First, let me explain how it all started

When I first met my partner, we were great friends. He made promises about how he would handle our relationship, and in his sweet words, I was completely swayed. I believed it would be a relationship where I could freely express my ideas and views about family matters.

Little did I know, things would turn out differently. Curious to know how it all went down and what happened? Keep reading because I’ve got some insights to share maybe they can help you too!

But first, a quick note for all the singles: there are some things you should understand about relationships.

  1. If you're not ready for a relationship, it's better not to start one. if you are ready you must be willing to listen and adapt. Relationships require commitment, and it’s important to be mentally prepared before diving in.

  2. Every relationship goes through phases, including arguments and disagreements.


A healthy relationship is one that progresses through four key stages:
Friendship Stage: This is the beginning, where love and excitement flourish.

Conflict Stage: Here, you’ll experience arguments and unusual behaviors. This stage is about learning and correcting each other.

Honeymoon Stage: After working through conflicts, you begin to understand and tolerate each other better.

Settlement Stage: At this point, you’ve learned enough about each other to get legally married.

If there's a perfect marriage to point out today, it must have gone through all four stages.

Now, here’s my story
My relationship only made it through the first stage, and I thought everything was fine. The truth is, you’ll know where your relationship stands when misunderstandings or arguments arise. I didn’t realize this until I saw that my husband wanted me to agree with everything, even if I wasn’t comfortable with it. I couldn’t express my thoughts, and if I did, I was called names.

When I decided to take a stand
I chose a good day to take my husband out, and he was completely surprised. During our time together, I opened up about how badly he had been treating me. I also asked how he felt about our situation. He admitted that he regretted some of his decisions and realized that things might have been better if he had considered my ideas.

Thankfully, he’s a responsible man and took my concerns to heart. Since then, our opinions have been valued equally, and we make decisions together.

My advice? Be outspoken

If he’s truly the right one for you, he will listen. Always avoid toxic relationships.

P.S: Different approaches work for different people.
As for me, I won’t just nod my head and agree with everything my partner says, especially if it's something harmful to the relationship even if he doesn’t realize it. but if everything he says wont be harmful and detrimental (which is never possible as We all make mistakes in our opinions) then I will say yes, and that’s why open communication is key in a relationship to say when things aren't okay.

Thank you for spending time on my blog! Have a lovely day.
