Ladies of Hive Community Contest #80

With the arrival of the global pandemic, online commerce has grown into something routine. Do you like shopping online? Have you had a bad purchase, the product you ordered did not arrive on time, or was not what was expected? Tell us about your experience or if you still don't buy online, tell us the reason.

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One bad habit about me is that I am not a risk-taker, I never want to take a risk especially if it involves my hard-earned money. I prefer to get whatever it is I want physically because I don't trust and can't trust anyone if it involves me paying before getting my order, then I don't want to do that.

Secondly, I have news about people not always getting the exact products they ordered especially shoes, I can never order shoes online because I have a very big leg and wouldn't love to get a shoe that at the end of the day isn't my size or exactly what I saw or wanted on the list or catalog.

That is why I don't buy online because I don't want to risk my money entering the wrong hand or end up not getting exactly what I ordered.

What has been your greatest achievement at a professional or work level, perhaps a project that made you feel proud or something you did on your own and that only you could have done at home or your workplace?

When I saw this question, the only thought that came to my mind was being able to start up my business and still scaling through even when I felt I wouldn't be able.

Yeah, a few weeks ago, I had an idea about venturing into business since school is on strike and I was sure I was going to be spending a lot when I am finally admitted.

I didn't have the balls at first even though I had a little amount of money that I was sure was enough for any business I had plans to venture into. Good enough, I came up with selling cereals and beverages and decided to take a step even though I had feared since I felt I wasn't the type who knew how to market a business but ever since I started this project of mine although not easy, I am grateful I did it.

Although little, but I feel proud of myself whenever I look at my business flourishing.

I invite @mhizerbee and @glotokens to participate in this contest.

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