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Ladies of Hive Community Contest #59 ~ This time of the Year

Hello ladies, it's another exciting ladies of hive contest and I am glad I got an invite from @harnah12 to join in the fun before it elapses. Thank you so much for the invite dear. I will love to invite @glotokens to participate in this contest and here is the link to the contest [post](

The question for this week says;

The holidays are all about tradition. What is your most cherished family holiday tradition? Tell us about it, how it came to be, and why it's special to you.

Holidays are always special to me most especially this time of the year because I get to get gifts from my uncles, aunties, friends, and most especially from my dad but after his death, this time of the years holiday meant nothing to me especially since he died at this time of the year. I felt there was no need to celebrate or gather because my dad was not among us.

Years later, everything changed after I came in contact with some friends who were always excited about this particular holiday because it is always a moment of gathering with their family and getting to go to places they've been dreaming to visit most especially since they've been busy throughout the year and do not have time for fun.

This particular tradition came as an idea when they all decided to do something special, it was decided that we all should visit our Pastors, church members, and other friends. Although it was not accepted by all but we decided to give it a try and that was how we came back feeling pleased with ourselves.

They made me realize what I was missing because of the absence of my dad and they showed me the light even when my dad was no more, I could still have fun at this time of the year. They became a family to me and we began to do this tradition year after year although now, we are not into this tradition because most of them are married and we are all far away from each other but this tradition still lingers in my heart.

Okay, so the tradition we usually do was visiting. We would gather ourselves up, take a day among the holidays and visit our other friends, pastors, church members, and the rest.

This tradition was cherished by me because sitting with people it's been a while and reminiscing about the funny moments spent together always brought smiles to my face and make me forget about the absence of my late dad.

Being in the midst of people who love me and having fun with them is the best thing that can ever happen to me and this family brings out that happiness buckled up within me.

Thank you for stopping by to read my article.