It's The Festive Period

Hello people, howdy? This is my entry for this week contest which says;

What is your favorite thing about this time of year?


How would you spend one million dollars?

The first question says;
What is your favorite thing about this time of year?

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I don't know if there is anyone who doesn't like this period but if there is, I guess it's the person's decision but for me, I always can not wait for this period of this year and my excitement can not be hidden.

And so, my favourite this time of the year is the celebration from every angle. That is, when you go out for a visit, you are presented with food and drinks just because of this time of the year.

And the no work zone. During this period, many of us always have days off work to spend time with our family and friends.

This period is a festive period and many people are always permitted to go back and spend some time with their families. Meeting with people who is been long we haven't seen for a while will be around to spend time with.

The second question says;
How would you spend one million dollars?

I would have said, I would use some to buy Hive and save some but right now, I have so many responsibilities that a lot of money is needed so with one million dollars, I would use it to start up a business that I have been dreaming about.

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This business has to do with selling frozen foods and this business will not only help me earn but it will help me invest most of my earnings on Hive and have different sources of income to keep around in case of rainy days.

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