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LOH #74 - personality change

Hello ladies
Happy new week
So this weeks contest asks;

If you could change one thing about your personality, what would it be?

There is one personality trait that I have tried to cover for so long, by acting all tough and boogie but if you check closer you'll know


I am that girl that is scared of taking risks, no matter how small. I play too safe in everything I do and it hurts because I know if I dared to take some type of risk, I would have made headway with a lot of things in my life.

From my school days, I had friends who loved to travel, they feed off new experiences and take some serious risks, that leaves me in fear and heartache till they are back and safe, some days they question why they have me as a friend because I never get to do anything fun or adventurous with them. They make me sometimes wish I could partake in something different, something fairly risky, like climbing the top of a ladder, maybe I can start there.

Being friends with risk-takers was an adventure on its own but it is far different from being married to one.

My partner loves to explore, it's so amazing how he talks about us skydiving, zip lining, parasailing and I just look at him talk because he is going to enjoy these dream adventures alone.

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he is a big risk -taker and I know how my fear of taking risks has limited us as a couple from doing a lot of things.

one time an opportunity arises that would increase our finances but with the obvious risk involved and we didn't even have to do so much or spend so much to achieve it but seeing the risk alone scared me off and because it is a decision we had to make as a couple, my decision was a hard pass and No, and we closed that chapter.

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Only to find out a few weeks later that this opportunity clicks and worked for every other person who took it. I couldn't blame myself enough, but that wasn't the only time, my fear of taking risks had ruined a lot of plans, sincerely I can't keep count anymore. Some days when I think of them and how far we would have grown now if we took the bold steps I just feel pity and regret.

I remember the one time I took a mild risk, that single risk I took got me, my partner, today. I am not oblivious to the fact that not all risks end successfully but it isn't such a bad thing to fail sometimes right? Way better than not winning at all

Like it's said

we lose some and win some

I want to become a risk-taker, I want to be able to lead a better life by taking those risks and overcoming my fear of failure but It's easier said than done that's why It is one personality I wish to change.

I accept that I hesitate a lot to go for what I want, because of how much I hate being disappointed or being left vulnerable and hurt I wish this was not the case.

I wonder where I got this personality from, did I pick it up as a skill, or is it a genetic trait or it's just me? What ever the case I am ready to drop it and I hope I do soon.


I would like to invite @Iskafan @jessicaossom to join the ladies of hive contest for the week, and To all the risk takers reading this how do you do it?how can I start doing it? What would you suggest?