An Angel In Disguise // LOH - #186

An Angel In Disguise

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio

Every one of us is where he or she is today because of someone. No one ever rose to the top without anyone showing him or her the right path to tread upon.

A few years ago after I graduated from college, I was so confused about life, being that I was young and wanted to explore things, I almost began the wrong way doing the wrong things.

But my mother never gave up on me; she kept advising me to take life easy and to take the things of God seriously. One fateful Monday I decided to go for a youth fellowship at my church. I didn't know what came over me but I just decided to go to church after a very long period.

After the service, I stumbled upon my Agricultural science teacher back in high school. He was so excited to see me again. We eventually exchanged contact and that was where it began.

The man picked interest in me and decided to take me as his son. He was so interested in seeing me grow that from time to time he would invite me to his place, share the word of God with me, and give me spiritual and godly inspirational books to study.

At first, I saw it as a burden but with time, I fell in love with it. Gradually he taught me how to study the scriptures and I kept following. He then began to point out areas in my life that were faulty and kept working on them, checking up on me and ensuring that I was eradicating them until my life got transformed.

My Mom was surprised at who I became when I met that man. I stopped doing a lot of the crazy things I used to do and became committed to the things of God. To date, she calls him my father.

It was from him that I learned how to study, he taught me how to read books, which later became my hobby. He also taught me how to go out of my comfort zone to look for what to eat. The first job I ever did in my life was sought for me by him.

He transformed me into a simple, hard-working, and god-fearing man. Mr Abimiku is someone I look up to, his lifestyle is worth emulating. I feel so lucky to have him come into my life at that critical moment.

Who knows what I would have become by now? I would have probably ruined my life and become a nuisance to my family and society. Mr Abimiku made me the man that I am today and he hasn't stopped. To date, he still checks up on me and ensures everything is going well.

There are still many good people out there who are interested in seeing our lives go the right way. My sincere prayer for everyone is to come by those people when we need them.

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