Will I Go For A Cosmetic Surgery?-LOH #177

The topic on beauty standards continue to make headlines in today's modern world with the inception of cosmetic surgery. While the idea can be very efficient in correcting physical abnormalities and flaws caused by different conditions, the pressure to get the perfect appearance seems to be taking a different turn especially within the ladies. The snatched waists, curvy bodies and flat tummies is the dream of most young women.

Showing concern about our physical appearance is not bad at all, it's a natural human behavior to care about one's looks. But, to what extent should we care? Let me come to the big question, will I undergo a cosmetic surgery just to enhance my looks if money isn't the problem?

The direct answer is No.

I see myself as very beautiful just the way I am and I have nothing that I would like to alter in my body. I wouldn't want to spend millions trying to enhance my appearance when the money can be used for something more constructive. Growing up as a teen, I had a very slim figure than most of my agemates. I used to care so much about my body weight because I was always the subject of teasing in school whenever the issue of looks came up, and even in the neighborhood, it was a struggle. I changed how much I was worried about my figure when I realised that in the midst of all that, a lot of people I knew then actually wanted to have my figure. I had a lot of my cousins who struggled to get back in shape after gaining so much weight and they'll always tell me "stay the way you are, don't change a thing"
It motivated me to self acceptance and building a positive view about my body and my looks.

I'm quite the reserved type and I wouldn't want to draw unnecessary attention to myself because of my looks. I don't want people to be drawn to me just because of what they see, I want them to appreciate my values and personality rather than focusing on my looks. I believe the real work is on the inside, striving to become a better person for myself and the society at large is more important than prioritizing my outward appearance. In the end, people will remember a good person not for the looks alone but most important the impact on humanity.

One of my teachers in highschool used to tell us every time that "the beautiful ones are not yet born". Even if I decide to go for a beauty enhancement procedure, I will still grow old and my beauty is going to fade eventually, it will be of no use to me working to get something that will not last. Life progresses in phases. A new generation of beautiful people will definitely come up and maybe by that time, nobody will even acknowledge what I may call beauty now so I see no point in it.

Going for a cosmetic surgery doesn't guarantee perfection. Who knows? I might even have to deal with some terrible after effects, leading to added stress and more costs in maintaining it. I respect and admire people who took that bold step in their lifestyle but personally I wouldn't dream of it even if money is not the problem.

*****Images are mine*****

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