Coming Alive Again-LOH #178

In the life of a woman, there's always so much to do. The hustles and bustles everyday life always keep us on our toes. No matter how much we think we're doing, there'll always be much more to do. It's like a web we're all trapped in, an endless cycle of trying to keep a balance between our well-being and accomplishing our daily activities. In the course of trying to keep up with so many activities we have at hand, we may tire out and it's quite normal. We're human after all, even a robot can experience a breakdown sometimes.

My question is: what do you do when you feel exhausted? How do you regulate your physical, mental and emotional state to be yourself again?

Getting enough rest and sleep.

This is my ideal way of beating fatigue. Previously, I always like to finish up all my work before resting. Even when I get tired halfway through, I don't stop till I finish because if I decide to rest for sometime, I find it hard to continue my activities. Sometimes, it works out well, other times working at a stretch without having breaks lead to much greater exhaustion and also, the more I try to multitask and get everything done at the same time, the more I figure out that I'm not actually doing some things the right way. I even end up messing up a lot of things, which may require that I have to do it a second time,wasting both time and effort. Therefore, I decided to start getting enough rest whenever I feel too tired to continue my activities. I pay attention more to my body's need than the things I have to do. If my body says 'rest', then I'm definitely getting it.

Keeping a good sleep routine is my other way dealing with fatigue. It took me a while before I could actually get a good sleep routine. After a long day of working out my entire strength, I feel so much energized after getting good night's sleep. Recently, I schedule my phone to shut down when it's bedtime to allow me get as much hours I can get before dawn. This was after figuring out that I always get distracted with using my phone even after I decide to get enough night rest.

Engaging in a hobby.

Hobbies are good distraction to help us recharge and relax after the exhaustion kicks in. I enjoy seeing a good movie when I feel the need to unwind, either solo or with a couple of friends. It helps me take my mind off the many thing I need to do and just have fun. I also enjoy talking walks especially when I'm mentally exhausted. Enjoying the beautiful scenery and feeling the nice fresh air around the neighborhood, is just what I need to relieve my brain of the stress and the exhaustion. In the end, my mood is lifted, I feel so happy and my mind becomes free, allowing me to become mentally calm and organised.

Staying socialized.


Keeping up with friends and family helps me a lot during my down moments. They are my support system. Spending time engaging in wholesome activities with them is a way of beating mental fatigue. We usually go on mini picnics or go to an amusement park to have fun. It's all about the exciting getaways. Sometimes, just a call is all I need to get back up. I have this particular friend who effortlessly lifts up my mood each time I call her. She is naturally funny and her vibe is unmatched. We can go on and on talking about a lot of things which not actually be all that important, but the point is, just talking to someone can really be a way of regaining strength.

In conclusion, fatigue is unavoidable. However, looking for ways to get back our balance in spite of how much we have to push through is an act of selfcare. It is very important to take our wellbeing into account while engaging with our day to day concerns. We all have our different ways of dealing with the exhaustion we feel most times, taking enough rest and doing what makes us happy can be the way to go!
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