Choosing To Walk Away- Ladies Of Hive Community Contest #173

Greetings to all my ladies out there and welcome to this week's contest. For this week I will be giving my view on the question below 👇

Nowadays, premarital sex is rampant among young people. What if you got pregnant, and encountered rude in-laws with a partner who is incapable of standing by himself or standing up for you? Would you rather endure their maltreatment, or walk out on your relationship and raise your child alone? Why?

When I saw this question I impulsively screamed 'Walk away!' in a breath. But then, I paused 'is walking away really the answer?'
I got into deep thoughts within myself to actually be convinced that walking away in a scenario like this will be the best thing for me. This matter is really delicate considering it's nature and the parties who are on the receiving end. My decision to make that move will be based on two reasons;

I will do it for me as the young mother

Getting pregnant out of wedlock is a life changing situation, not in a good way. I'm going have to deal with the guilt and feelings of disappointment. Disappointed with myself for letting go of the morals and good upbringing I got over time from my family, and also having to face the fact that I've let a lot of people down through my thoughtless action.

Not withstanding, I've made one mistake and I got pregnant because of it. I have a new life that I have to bring into the world and at that point in my life I need all the support, the pampering ,the love and care I could ever get, especially from my partner. It is called " partner" for a reason. One of the core attributes of a partner is being supportive. As the man, he should be able to stand his ground while dealing with his family in a situation like this. If we have both made a mistake that got us into this mess, it will not be the time for my partner to back down and be swayed by the reactions from his family.

This is a time to take responsibility and prioritize my well-being and that of his unborn child. Owing to the fact that the reverse is the case here, then I have no reason to endure any maltreatment from my in-laws. Having to wake up everyday of my life and going through the same circle of misery, emotional distress and loneliness is pointless.

All for what?
A partner is doesn't have enough guts to be a man?

There is no point trying to prove myself to them or seeking the validation and acceptance at the cost of my well-being and safety. If they can treat me that way in my situation, then I won't expect things to change when I deliver the baby. I will walk away and save my mental health and peace of mind.

***I will walk away for the sake of my child****

As an expectant mother, my dreams include raising my child in a healthy environment, not an abusive one no matter the form it comes in. I would not want my child to be treated as less human just because he was conceived out of wedlock. Just as I wasn't accepted by my in-laws, there is no way my child will also be accepted by them. He is definitely going to face the problem of stereotype if I chose to stay and chances are, he's going to face the challenge fitting into his paternal family, which will not be an easy one.

Choosing to stay with my abusive in-laws and a non-supportive partner also means sacrificing my child's emotional and psychological well-being. Children are known to absorb whatever is prevalent in their environment as they grow. If my child grows to know the kind of father he has, definitely there will be a rift, and he will not continue to credit him as a relevant fatherly figure. How can he make a good father when he couldn't make a good partner for his mother?

In conclusion, I will take that bold step of becoming a single mom for the sake of my well-being and that of my child. Though it also comes with its challenges and obstacles, I stand by the words ''better safe than sorry". I will chose a path that brings me more happiness, more peace of mind and one that will help me raise my child to have a brighter future. These are my unfiltered thoughts regarding this issue, you're welcome to reason with me in the comments.

Thanks for reading
Images used are all mine

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