My grandmother an important figure in my life. LOH # 186

Grandmother an important figure in my life..jpg

Happy Mother's Day to the Ladies of hive community. I am happy to reach my third week of contests in the Community to honor mothers this month by sharing with you personal anecdotes and reflections. To end my participation in Honor of Mothers Month, I spent time answering two of this week's questions proposed by @amberkashif. There is always so much to say about the beautiful work of our mothers.

2️⃣ At certain times in our lives, we encounter people whose influence has a profound impact on our personal development. Upon reflection, we recognize that without their presence we would not have achieved the level of growth we have today. Have you experienced such a pivotal figure in your life? If so, could you explain how their presence has contributed to your transformational journey?

🌷A fundamental figure in my life:

In this life we cross paths with people who are very valuable to us, not only because they can be part of our family, their way of being and all the time you share with them add a special touch that without realizing it they mark our life, their positive influence finds a place in our being and our life is molded in an interesting way thanks to it. There is an important figure in my life, besides my mother, she is my grandmother. Her presence in my life and the time I spent by her side marked my heart. She became an example of self-improvement for me, a symbol of sacrifice and humility. Our parents are those people who directly impact our lives; however, the constant presence of our grandparents is not far behind.
My mother has a lot of her, she treasures her advice. My grandmother is the figure that not only marked my life, but that of all her grandchildren. Spending time with a person has a great influence on us. When I was a child, my grandmother would sit and tell me her life testimony, all the sacrifices she had to make in order to raise her children. I remember that while she was talking I was imagining everything. My grandmother was born into a very humble family, since she was eight years old she had to work and when she least expected it she lost her parents. In all that time of need she never gave up, she never stopped believing that everything could be overcome. These stories marked my life: the story of a girl who achieved her dreams and overcame every difficult moment with a smile.
The stories of faith of my grandmother, awakened in me many emotions, teachings that shaped my life, she did not imagine that her presence would be a valuable jewel of priceless value, that little girl who listened to her learned from her, wrote down her recipes, her advice, her stories, she is a source of inspiration for my mother and for me.
Her influence in my life was so profound, that my personal project carries a part of her, because in every child and woman that I can help I also see my grandmother, she told me to always share my bread with the needy, to treat people with love, so without her in my life I would not be the woman I am now, because a part of her is engraved in me.
This transitory life often surprises you with separations, she went to rest while my journey continues. In this journey I can say that she is the best, one of the most influential figures that shaped my life


pexels-Juan Pablo

3️⃣ Write a letter to your mom (or mother figure) telling her how special she is to you. Be sure to show her that this letter is public for all to see! Moms love this! 😁

In the previous edition, I dedicated words to my mother with much love. To close this month I want to leave a dedication to the woman who marked the heart of a whole generation, my sweet grandmother.

🌷Letter to my grandmother:

Dear grandma, here is your little girl, your sweet princess, the one you spoiled with sweetness, the little one who ran to your room when she was afraid, your accomplice to buy the cookies. My tender and beloved grandmother, life has taken me through many difficult paths. When I want to give up, I remember your advice that is like a dose of strength. My sweet grandmother, I miss hearing your voice, I know that from heaven you look down with love on your little girl. The years are gone, your memories are for me a treasure that nourishes the most beautiful years of my childhood. Your store window is still intact every time I look at it. A chapter with you comes to mind, it was full of candy, there was always one for me. A grandmother like you is the best thing that ever happened to me. Fate crossed us to carve in my life with love details as precious and delicate as a flower. Grandma, my mother, now she looks more like you. I see her and I see you, they are two drops of water. Love like yours, that maternal love is such a pure fragrance that your grandchildren cannot forget you, without a doubt my dear grandmother, you are still special.

I hope you like my participation, I send a hug to all mothers in this month dedicated to each one of them.

👉 Hive Ladies Community Contest #186 🌺 @amberkashif

👉 collaboration @dreemport : Join this community of dreamers!
Translator DeepL/PORTADA Y BANNER edited in canva/Presentaciones diseñadas a través de Canva/ Contenido por @emotak .

👉 Written by Siloé Campos Founder of the Christian Initiative God is My Refuge.

💖Blessings to all of you Hive friends!


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