Ladies of Hive #184:Special moments in my motherhood

Special moments in My Motherhood.jpg

Hello Ladies of Hive Community, it is a pleasure for me to present my first post to the Community to join the Mother's Day Celebration. This Contest Round is special to talk about motherhood and how special the role of a mother is, plus the positive impact it makes in the lives of children is extensive. Every mother has a story, anecdotes steeped in special moments.I also have a lot to share, I feel grateful to be a Mother of Children, my treasures, my greatest Blessing in this life.

👉1️⃣ Motherhood is both rewarding and challenging. What has been one of your biggest lessons since becoming a mother?

Motherhood is a gift that brings with it a 360° change for the woman who is privileged. You can hear hundreds of stories, but no one prepares you for all the challenges we face, it is a journey full of surprises and lessons. My journey began unexpectedly, it was bitter sweet at the same time, it has left me with important lessons.

🌺Understanding my mother:

Motherhood brought me closer to my mother, before having children I did not understand my mother, her worries, my heart was like a stone, I did not care about her advice, I did not appreciate her love. When my first baby arrived the armor of my heart broke, then I started to remember that love that my mother gave me that I did not value. My children taught me to be the daughter she expected, now it was my turn to understand my mother, without motherhood my heart would be far from appreciating my mother's unconditional love.
Now I know what it means to be worried about your children to cling to life with all your might, my mother did that many times, so it is true that motherhood has the power to sweeten a bitter heart.

🌺 Being Grateful:

Life is a gift, being a mother a great responsibility. In a mother's life there are beautiful and cloudy days, each one leaves a mark. When I look at my children every night before going to sleep I feel grateful to have them in my life, they gave me back the desire to live, to dream and to be a better person for them and for me every day. Today my life makes sense, I have learned to get ahead with my children in the shortage, their voices encourage me to continue, they believe in me and when they see me discouraged they are the first to motivate me with their words, then I will always feel grateful to have them in my life. Through them I learned about love, the meaning of protection.

🌺Trust me

Motherhood is a challenge and every mother lives it in a particular way, you face many changes; however, there is an emotional world that accompanies you and you have to face your fears. This journey molds us and produces a determined woman, it takes years to find that security. You can be a mother and an entrepreneur, motherhood is not a limit, it is the beginning of knowing that you really are a special being.



3️⃣ What is your favorite memory of your mom (or someone who played that role in your life!)?

I have many memories of my mother's tenderness, I loved those nights when she sang songs to me and my sisters, I loved to hear her sing. She would tell us fantasy stories, it was special, for me it was like watching a movie, it was exciting to imagine all those characters. Those moments were beautiful, so much so that they marked my life, sometimes my mother brings back memories of those days and the conversation becomes very happy, especially if my sisters are present, no doubt they are memories that will stay with me all my life.

I hope this brief testimony is to your liking, I send a hug to all mothers on their day.

👉Ladies of Hive Community Contest #184 🌺 @trucklife-family

👉SPECIAL SUPPORT @dreemport : I am a Member of this Community of Dreamers!

Translator DeepL/PORTADA Y BANNER editados en canva/Presentations designed through Canva/ Content by @emotak

👉Testimonial by Siloé Campos Founder of the Christian Initiative God is My Refuge.

💖 Blessings to all of you Hive friends!!!




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