Feminine Cycles, Seasons and Seeds - Ladies of Hive #155


Greetings, Ladies of Hive! Sending you all so much love <3
Shoutout to @nainaztengra for this amazing question!!!

I'd love to share an image from my teacher Marya Stark with you that helps me so much with understanding my cycle.


See, there are seasons to being a woman.
We aren't the same from week to week.

Here, you see that on Week 1, she's bleeding. She's deeply resting and nourishing herself, laying close to the earth.

Then, on Week 2 her hormones become more poised. She is balanced and focused. She is able to focus clearly.

As she ovulates on Week 3, her cervix is low and she is fertile and soft. Her flower is blooming open.

Then, by Week 4, she's unraveling, her petals falling as she swings into the Luteal Phase aka PMS or 'Please Make Space' lol.

There's so much described here in this image that's truly beyond words. There are so many subtle energies that hormones display.

As someone who has been on natural methods of birth control for almost 2 decades, I know what day I am by these subtle senses and feelings.

Oh, and how swollen my boobs are. And how much I sweat at night ;)

And while I wish sometimes I could remain the girl in yellow, and always be in my right mind lol, I'm a woman and I change with the moon.

Each season holds it's wisdom and it's magick.

I pray that the world becomes more suited for women to dance our natural cycles. That we are given all the time and space we need to soften into our feminine power.

I also pray that women continue to remember our mysteries and reclaim the wisdom of our wombs.

I'll leave you this week with a seed cycling chart, which I find wonderfully supportive for hormonal health. Who knew that eating a handful of seeds each day could be so effective for balancing our hormones?

It's amazing.

With all the endocrine disruptors and artifical hormones in the food these days, we need all the support we can get!!!

Screen Shot 2023-10-09 at 9.51.34 AM.png

Hope you have a beautiful week <3

Emily Ra


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