RE: My beauty Journey

I don't know if you've ever heard of a blend of essential oils used back in the 15th century. It's referred to as thieves oil blend and can be easily made from essential oils. I have made this and discovered one day, while at work (I had some with me at the time) that it worked a miracle on a boil that was beginning on my chin. It had grown to almost and inch in diameter and the only thing I could think to put on it was this oil. It has all kinds of great properties, like antibacterial, anti microbial, antiseptic and so on. Long and short of it was that by the time I went home from work that afternoon, it was virtually gone! I was amazed and began using it in the morning and evening after washing my face. I would not be without it.

Anyway, Google it and if you can make some, try it out.

Thank you for sharing and have a lovely day!

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