Ladiesofhive community contest #159: My favorite holiday

2️⃣ What is your favorite holiday of the year, and why?

Hello everyone,good morning and hope you had a wonderful night rest? you are welcome to my blog it is of great pleasure to be here once again to join in the weekly contest of #ladiesofhive, this is my response to this week's question by @saffisara.

My favorite holiday of the year is the Christmas. During Christmas, we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ and the good news He has brought to the world. This is an opportunity for everyone to travel home and meet their family members, parents gets to see their children after being away for a while.

It is a festive period people from all religions and faith celebrate with one another despite it being a Christian festival holiday. I personally love it because I get to see my siblings who are all married and are no longer with us,everyone needs to start a new life hence the distance, this holiday makes me remember the bond we shared from childhood and there is a bonus to the family which is their spouses and children, always glad to see them again.




My family and I

We do the cooking all together and even go out, there is a tradition of sharing food, which I am in charge of, this is interesting as we remember our neighbours, share food with them in love and they reciprocate it, exchanging gifts, wine, decorating Christmas trees, attending church, of course, visiting Santa Claus which we call Father Christmas I remembered doing this on those days when I escort pupils to visit the Santa claus and it was fun, when it was time for the teachers to snap as well I didn't dull myself, this has been a memory for me and I can't seem to get rid of the pictures. The atmosphere is just happy and free.



All pictures belongs to me

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