How I face physical and psychological threats



1️⃣ Risk situations for women are common. Do you feel prepared to face physical and psychological threats? What do you think about a woman preparing for self-defense and what criteria do you think they should take into account to avoid being paralyzed in imminent danger?

Hello everyone, you are welcome to my blog, happy to come to this platform again to participate in this week's #ladiesofhive community contest, question by @irenenavarroart

Women are more vulnerable and susceptible to danger or threats, when it comes to danger it doesn't always come from strangers, sometimes it comes from co-workers, trusted friend or people you are in a relationship with.

Now this is where the confusion sets in when we go for self defense classes or watch it on social media, preparing for it is not enough, like I said earlier it may come from those that are closer to you, you don't know what to expect, but it does help to learn more about self defense.

In my country where sometimes rape is blamed on the woman, the way she dressed, or why she was with this particular person.

Growing up in the neighborhood heared of young girls who were being raped by men they looked up to as brothers, this they weren't expecting and thereby subjected to stigma, some didn't speak up on time and had unplanned pregnancy which disrupted their education, everyone pointing fingers at them, those who couldn't cope had to change environment. I began to learn how to be careful, but no matter how cautious you think you can be, you still don't know who is who

While I was hunting for job, saw a vacancy decided to try my luck, it was a small office filled with men in the ages of 40's based on my guess, they were harmed but not in uniform, they spoke courteously, never had any negative thought in my head, I just wanted to drop my Curriculum vitae (CV) and leave, but they started delaying me with talks I felt were unnecessary, I kept cool because I was already stuck, a lot of thoughts came to my mind, it became scarier when they started smoking then his other friends telling me he will take care of me, how did we get to this point

I only came for a job but it's leading somewhere else, he was not violent but started touching and I wasn't comfortable with it and he still didn't want me to leave, I thought of a plan, I told him my mum was sick and I only stepped out so I should be home by now, I told him to give me his number that I will keep calling him, immediately I stepped out I deleted his number, ran as fast as my legs could take me. It was only my intuition that saved me because I sensed danger and if I didn't use wisdom they might hurt me if I didn't comply.

I am used to the flight mode (fleeing from whatever it is that will hurt me) knowing fully well that the blame is always on the women,when I sense danger the first thing that comes to my mind is to run, staying to fight might not be a good idea for me what if I am overpowered.

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