LOH Community Contest #155 ~ Hereditary Has Got a Thing on Me


We Women have multiple phases in our life where we go through hormonal imbalance, like monthly menstruation, pregnancy, menopause. Not only our physical but our mental health also gets impacted. Share with us, how you take care of these sensitive times and take care of your physical and mental health.

I was talking to a friend one of those days, about ladies' health in general especially after our monthly menstrual cycle and the hormonal imbalance we go through during and after these periods but I know of some ladies who during and after these periods do not need to take anything, they are always fine. A lot of my friends are at this table, they do not even have the time or consider doing anything to their bodies physically and mentally and they are always and have been fine.

For me, genetics has got a lot on me, so I am always very conscious of taking a few supplements after my monthly cycle to build up my body back to its normal state and rid me of any internal heat as I am prone to always having one after my monthly flow and severe menstrual cramps. These supplements help prepare me for the next month's menstrual cycle and help me against any hormonal imbalance that I am supposed to experience, internal heat that will end up showing up on my body, and menstrual cramps.


Good for me, I was able to detect early enough that I was going to be having a lot of issues with internal heat, especially after my monthly cycle, so I took it upon myself to look out for my body. Every month before and after my monthly cycle, I get supplements like "EVENING PRIMROSE, COD LIVER OIL, VITAMIN A, VITAMIN E, VITAMIN C, MULTIVITAMIN CAPSULES, FOLIC ACID, B2, BLOOD CAPSULES (DARAVIT) AND B12."

So, I don't wait until I start seeing the signs or feeling, I make sure to have a refill of that supplement, if not a refill of all, I get the important ones and take them to help me rebuild my system and my outward appearance.

Yesterday, when I was on my way home, I had to stop by the pharmacy where I usually get my monthly supplements to pick a few ones, I could afford the moment until I could get the remaining.


Funny enough, while I was scrolling through Facebook yesterday, I came across some recommendations from someone, although most of them are what I usually take, but I have plans to try out the "Woman Formula Reload" as I have heard so many good reviews about it.

Genetics or should I say hereditary has got me living on these supplements to help me reduce some future effects due to hereditary and for how I take care of my mental state, I just try to leave my environment during those sensitive periods to a friend place, it helps relax my nerves and anxiety.

This is my entry to the second question in the Ladies of Hive Community Contest #155.

PS: Pictures are all gotten from my phone.

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