My New Body! hehe

I wanted to join this contest on the 45th challenge - but time got away from me, as it usually does! hehehe

So this week when I got the notification that another one was ready, I needed to stop, drop, and write! 🤣

Especially when I saw the questions! hahahahaha I knew EXACTLY what I would write about. Awesome choices, @saffisara! I actually thought I could put in TWO entries for this week since the questions are so fun! heheheh but let me just begin with ONE since I tend to get carried away.


my question choice for the challenge this week is..

If you could change bodies for a day with anyone, who would it be and why?

This question is so ridiculously easy for me to answer! hehehe The person who is EXACTLY MY OPPOSITE!


  • He is tall, I am short.
  • He is blonde, I am brunette.
  • He has light eyes, I have the blackest eyes you have ever seen. hahaha
  • He is thin. I am...... CURVY. yes, let's just say CURVY! hehee
  • He has lighter skin. I have sunshine skin. hehe


Not only is he the opposite of me in physical appearance, but he is also exactly my opposite in personality! hehe

  • He is quiet. I am.... not. LOL
  • He is cocky hahahahahahahahahaha I am.... not LOLOLOL (I'm seriously cracking myself up as I write this lol)
  • He doesn't talk a lot, but he actually does like to talk!
  • I talk a lot, but I actually would prefer to be alone, in silence (yep - no one believes this - but for those who know me best - then know it's true hahhaha)
  • We are actually both pretty funny. We spend most of our time laughing hard. but he has a dry, dark sense of humor. some might say sick! hahahaha I have a silly sense of humor. but the funny thing is - we have both rubbed off on each other in this area!


But back to why I would want to change BODIES with him!

Well, as you can see - he sees the world from HIIIIIIIIGH above! hehehe

By the way, if all of you short people wonder... "hmmm I wonder if tall people can see all the places that I can't get to dust in my home" YES. THEY DO SEE IT. AND YES THEY DO JUDGE YOU!!! 😂

I remember one time we were going to move to Austin, Texas. I couldn't go, so he took video of the houses that he was looking at. When he brought back the footage it was hilarious!!! It was like I was seeing from the ceiling!!! I couldn't imagine walking through places THAT TALL. Yep - he has to duck when he goes in doors. hehehe

Hmmmm. you know - the more I talk about this, the more I'm wondering if I really want to change bodies with him???? hahahaha

He can't usually find chairs to be comfortable in. Cars are not very comfy either. He has to buy all specialty clothes and shoes because they don't have a lot of variety in his sizes in the stores LOL

His back usually hurts because he has to bend down for his small wife...
(and every other person in the world hehe)


Hmmm, you know. changing bodies would really only be good for ONE DAY I guess after all this talking about how inconvenient it is to be so tall ! LOLOL


He (@biggerjoe) and my son (@bbqgriffinwings) , and my daughter (@quirky.countess) have the MOST AMAZING metabolisms. You know people like that right?

I walk by a bakery and sniff a cupcake, and I gain 13.7 pounds.

They eat 3 cakes, each. and they lose weight in the process.


so yes yes yes - I would like to try on his body - and eat ALL THE CAKES I WANT for a day. and then... leave him to burn it all off hehehehehe

(which would probably take 4 seconds anyway.)

And I would like to see the world from up high too. That would be fun!

and just so you don't think "AWWWWWW DREEM. YOU'RE SO SUPER POCKET-SIZED!"

yes - I am short - but not THAT short.

Here is proof!!!! hahahahaa
(I had to blur others out because I didn't get permission. hehehe It's from my sister's wedding)


See? hehehe Is it me??? or is it him??? LOLOLOL

I say him!!! 😂
ok... maybe it's both of us! hahahaha
I am 5'2" and that is definitely small hehehe (and i'm wearing heels in that picture above)

and he is 6'8" hehehehehe and that is DEFINITELY tall!!! LOL (and he is NOT wearing heels in that picture above hahahahaha)

But... as you can see...

when we sit down, we fit just fine!


Hehe, I hope that you enjoyed this little peek into my life! And now you know, that after ONE DAY of switching bodies, I would be happy and content to get back into my short, curvy, dark-haired, dark-eyed, sunshine-skinned self!

Thanks for reading 😘

My invitation to the "LADIES OF HIVE" discord channel is to @aimharryianne! She would love that room and would brighten even more with her radiant personality!

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