He's in love with my mother! LOH #184

This month, DreemPort is so happy to collab with Ladies of Hive in this very special month for Mothers! Here is my entry for the first week of the LOH challenge! And a certain picture from my mother's biggest admirer sparked this post...

My thoughts here answer the question posed by Ladies of Hive

  • Motherhood is both rewarding and challenging. What has been one of your greatest lessons since becoming a mother?

Without a doubt - my greatest lesson is this: From my experience, the happiest, most stable, most rock-solid mothers have love and support poured into them from all sides.

I have held so many roles as a woman, and I am proud of them all. I feel like each one has tested me, tried me, refined me, molded me, and even exhausted me at times! But the one - hands down - that has drained me in every possible way over the years - is the role of mother. And if you think that everything eases when they are 18 and out on their own? Sigh. Think again! lol The role of mother NEVER ceases.

As we pour out from our well, we need to be refilled constantly so that our well doesn't run dry. My faith is the first and primary source of that "refuel", but God in His kindness has also given little streams that pour into your well from family and friends.

When you are tired, and ragged, and beat up of the myriad of struggles that motherhood brings - nothing can soothe and calm and lift better than the "love of your life". I just took a deep sigh just thinking over the years when I had the strength to go on from a 20 second wordless hug, an ear that listened and listened (and listened) to my rants, or a look of admiration that simply stated "You're a great mom."

In my mom's life, she has such a cheerleader, and he has been in love with her for over 55 years - 52 of which has been married!

Here is the picture that my father shared with me just a few days ago...

I told him - that was pretty enough to be from a magazine! hehe My mom is an amazing cook - but from heart surgery, to kidney surgery to the most recent knee surgery... she has been the recipient of my dad's chef skills! I love that he took the time to even make that plate just look colorful and beautiful and presented it in love to "his girlfriend" as he likes to call her.

Oh yes, they fight like cats and dogs. hahahaha They are both type A personalities and they will argue over the silliest things (and then bust up laughing days later over how ridiculous they were). They can both be stubborn and feisty and refuse to budge. (No comments from my friends in the peanut gallery that might be guessing how my personality traits didn't stand a chance with that parental combo LOLOL).

BUT... They love harder than they fight. They laugh harder than they argue. They play games STILL almost every night, sitting at the table into all hours of the night competing and giggling and teasing each other mercilessly. And even though I probably got more than DOUBLE of their stubborn traits - I'm extremely thankful that I saw (and adopted) the recipe for a successful mother. That she be fully loved, fully supported, and fully appreciated.

As I look around my home, I know that I've been blessed.

Thanks to @shadowspub, @penderis, @bluefinstudios, @kemmyb, @wesphilbin, @melinda010100, @samsmith1971, @silversaver888, @lizelle, @kenechukwu97, @jacoalberts, @acgalarza, @blackdaisyft, @balikis95, @alessandrawhite, and @dreemsteem for making the @dreemport voting power go farther! ❤️

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