Finding new "Me" - Hello HIVE!

Hello HIVE!

Writing is something which I am not good at, I think. And after reading through some posts my suspicion has been confirmed!

I have found a bunch of amazing writers and to me it seems my writing skills are not really up to that mark yet! But we all start somewhere, so why not starting it with a short introduction!

I am a recently graduated doctor and currently pursuing a career in internal medicine! But contrary to the common prejudice against medical students and doctors, I am nowhere near being nerdy enough to bore you guys with academics in my introduction post!

My husband and I recently shifted to a new city for his post graduation _(he too is a doctor, duh!) and where I plan to restart my post graduation too. Hold on! I guess I am more nerdy than I thought! Oh well!

We are exploring this city everyday with some new discoveries! Sometimes it is fun, sometimes the going gets tough, but the fighter in me wakes up and I try to take things slow and go with the flow.

The area we live in is the hub, the center, the life of "Old Dhakayia" food! It's a food festival on a daily basis. Biryani, beef/chicken tikka, fish barbeque, seafood by the road, kebabs, chotpoti/fuchka with different varieties of "tok," bhelpuri, chana muri mix, liver fry, fruits mixed with kashundi - you name it, we have it!

Fuchka needs no introduction I guess!

Tea with nuts - "Teanuts!" Get it? 😜

Being a foodie myself, this should have been heaven and frankly I was quite excited when I used to hear about all the varieties of street food we could get here from my husband, who had shifted here well before we got hitched!

But you know how the saying goes - too much of even a good thing can be bad! I am tired of this food extravaganza, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year!

Anywhoo, I don't want my intro post to be a memorial of "All the things I hate about...." 😂

I am neither an avid reader nor a writer. But I still try to read a few pages everyday (Not textbooks of course! Remember how I'm not too much of a nerd?!).

Currently I am reading the Harry Potter series. This really is not my kind of book, but I like to try out new experiences quite often. Keeps life colourful, don't you think! And surprisingly enough, I am quite enjoying this read! Hopefully I can finish the set as early as possible and be finally allowed to watch the movies with my husband who is a Potterhead! And apparently it's a crime to watch the movies without reading the books if you have a potterhead for a husband! But what do I know! 🤷‍♀

I have always found extremely innovative ways to avoid the kitchen whenever possible. So it is no real surprise I am struggling with cooking and everything! But as I said, I like new experiences, I like experiments. Almost everyday I try something new calling up my sister over phone or my mom or from YouTube. I have a pretty tolerant "guinea pig," my husband - who seems to know his way around spices! 😉

I am not a quitter! I understand it will take me a while to become a fluent writer - but the whole point is to have fun and meet new people! As long as I am doing that, the rest will fall into place!

Until next time, Adieu!

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