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LOH 116: I Just Want Their Food.

Caroline Cagnin on Pexels

I have never really gotten the chance to leave my base, that is until I started working with a company that requires us to travel. So, I have been leaving the state I am based in and travelling with them. Thank God!

In response to the prompt question by @ifarmgirl,

If you are to take a trip this year to another place or country that you've never been to before, where would you go and what will you be doing there?

I have so many places in my head that I want to go to but three places stand out for me.


The first would be Japan. Honestly, I just want to be there. I want to attend the Otaku festivities and feast on all thing’s food. I want to wear the kimono and tie my hair into a bun with a jade hairpin to hold it. I want to walk on those hills (Geta). Lord, have mercy. Have you seen those things?

This is a Geta but the one I'm referring to is much higher. I had so many questions when I saw it

I want to eat stinky tofu. They really stink according to Anime. I want to go visiting their famous shrines, see their small villages and overall, probably find those locations used in my favorite Animes.


The second would be Alaska. No. I don’t have a death wish. I am just curious to see and experience one of the coldest countries. I also read about dog sleds. I am honestly intrigued. I want to be on one of those things. Maybe roll in snow? And eat their food.


The third would be Dubai. I have heard so much about this place it makes my body ache. People have told me of buildings in clouds, I’ve seen all sorts of pictures and overall, I just want to eat their food.

That is honestly all. I don’t require much. Just entertainment and some food. Totally hassle free. I use this opportunity to invite @beeber and @joydukeson to give us their thoughts. You can totally talk about food.