I need to talk about what I'm living😞💔


I think today I will vent a little here. These days have been quite difficult for me and I think I need to talk with someone so that I may feel a little better. I guess everything got together and that's why I feel so depressed ... November for me has become quite a difficult month because my father will be 7 years dead on November 21 and this very day is my mother's birthday. A day full of many emotions that I still don't know how to deal with it.

And to complete I have my period and this makes me feel even more depressed. And let's add to this the situation in the country, this crisis we are experiencing is not easy at all. I really feel a lump in my throat with all this... I don't even feel like anything I just want to spend all day lying down and today something happened that makes me feel even worse.

Since I am a pastry chef and I sell cakes to order but I already have a week that I have no sales and this is quite difficult since I am the one in charge of the house and my mother and today for lunch we had nothing, only rice. we cooked and ate it just like that. It is good that it is better than not eating anything but it feels so sad to have almost no food at home added to everything that happens to me that I feel like I am about to collapse... I wish I could change my reality and that of my mother to be able to fear a better quality of life.

It is not easy to live all this. I know that today there are many people who are sick or with their incomplete family and I should not complain because I have my mother and a home. But the situation we live in here in Venezuela is getting worse, everything comes together and makes me feel so bad. 7 years ago my mother did not celebrate her birthday, it is a day that she come to hate and as the years go by, she always let me make her a birthday cake. And this year she wanted a tres leches cake but apparently I won't be able to make it for her because I don't have a job and don't have money. Rarely is the time that I usually complain but all this that I am experiencing overtook me and I needed to at least write everything I feel.

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