Outcome of Pre-marital sex

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Firstly pre-marital sex is having sexual intercourse with someone who isn’t your legally married wife or husband, although in most relationships sex is usually involved which is not supposed to be so, some days back I went out for a gathering and the guest speaker brought this up and everybody gave their suggestions, its quite unfortunate that in the world we leave in today most relationship foundation is based on sex.

As a young lady that I’m I have also engaged in premarital sex severally, and sometimes I literally get scared when my period delays to show up, at thesame time I never for once dated any guy that wouldn’t be able to take care of me if anything like pregnancy should show up, but then nobody is above mistakes and people actually do change, what if I encountered rude in laws with a partner who is incapable of standing for himself while being pregnant, honestly I don’t think I would be able to endure their maltreatment, I would walk a way from such relationship because definitely the guy isn’t able to stand up for himself then how would he be able to stand up for me and our baby?

Although its a mistake of two peole but the blame is always mostly on the lady, so I’d pick up the pieces of my life, buckle up and move on, I’d look out of jobs and take care of the baby, but then if my baby’s daddy isn’t able to standard up for himself doesn’t mean that he wouldn’t be able provide for his own baby, although if it was vise versa I would definitely take of my baby because why not?, I carried the baby in my womb for nine months and passed through alot of pains why giving birth, after passing through a lot of stress I wouldn’t trade my baby for anything, I would stand up that child and take good care of the baby.

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Now here is the reason why I would take care of my baby by myself if I encountered rude in laws and irresponsible baby daddy, firstly my parents took good care of me even though my parents were completely, and I’m very sure that if my mum was a single mother she wouldn’t abandon me, so why would I abandon a child that I nutured and had sleepless nights for, I would so strive to take care of that baby so that the so called in laws would know I can do absolutely well without them and their irresponsible son.


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