My hair, My strength!!

Hello ladies of hive! I trust we’re all doing great, welcome back to my blog and have a nice time here.

Since I was born I never ever thought of cutting my hair for any reason, whether to save money or even for fun, because I always thought that maybe it wouldn’t look good on me, or people would laugh at me, but four years ago the story changed because I actually did cut the hair, surprisingly it wasn’t that bad as I thought it would be…
But I didn’t just wake up to cut because I wanted to, I had a specific reason why I did it.

Before I thought of cutting the hair, I have a full hair and long hair but all of a sudden the growth of the hair became staunted, I used a certain Relaxer creme to relax the hair and after some time it started chopping of from the tip to the extent that I couldnt even pack it again, I was so sad about my hair, and the only solution that came to my mind was to cut the hair, so I made the decision and went to barbers shop and did some justice with it.
Although I lost pictures of when I cut the hair but I’m glad to show you guys the growth of hair now.

I cut a very beautiful style and dyed it with a wine color dye, it gave me a different look entirely, it was fine though but people were surprised at my decision, although personally I wasn’t really satisfied because I wasn’t really a fan of it, so after some time it didn’t cross my mind to cut it again, I decided to grow it back, the journey was crazy!!
It was crazy because I decided not add any chemicals to the hair, and naturally I didn’t have a soft hair texture, my hair is always thick, strong and long.. the pains any time I wanted to comb it was out of this world, I always have to sprinkle water and use leave in conditioner to make it combable.

                  *A photo of my unprocessed hair*

The hair grew very fine, but an unfortunate incident happen again, sometime back there was scenerio of hair lice flying around, unluckily for me I had it too, it gave itches alot, so I had to make the decision of relaxing it again but this time I chose a better product, And I actually do relax my hair four times in a year and guess what the growth has been amazing!!

And hell no, I’m never cutting my hair again.


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