A love letter to my superwoman

Who sat and watch my infant head? My dear mother, who carried me in her stomach and gave me life? My dear mother, my mother has always been the love f my life, she is one soul that understands me very well, whenever I’m down with sickness, she is never okay because she knows that I’m not that much of a strong person. My mother, my love ..she has always been my backbone.
If I were to come to this live again I’d choose you mummy. I love how you love my siblings and I.. thank you for going into lab our room for the number of times you did, if you had stopped at number five then there wouldn’t have been me.

You’re such a strong woman, I have never seen one as strong as you, the strength in which my sisters and I have cannot even be compared to yours at age sixty-four.
You’re the absolute love my life, the love I have for you can never be compared to anything, even as I have turned into adult you still buy me stuffs.
The most beautiful woman I know is mum both in and out, you never seize a moment to make us laugh and even on the days you scolded us, it obviously because you love us.

A poem to my mum

Dear mother I know not your pains and struggles, yet you birthed me and took care of me.
Dear mother, I may not know what love is, I may not know what love gives, but I know where love is and it is between YOU & ME.
No one understands me like you do, this love of yours make a me forget the troubles of the world
I love you so much my superwoman❤️


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