My favourite memory with mum and grandma #LOH 184

Good day ladies of HIVE 👋 it's been a while since I joined the contests and I'm so happy to be back. I will also like to thank @trucklife-family for the prompt.

I really like to talk about my mum a lot 😊 and like I said in my previous post, every moment with my mum is memorable. I don't even know which one to say is my favorite.

When I was little, I and my siblings travelled a lot with my mum, visiting grandma or going to other places. Speaking of my grandma, she's also someone who has played a motherly role in my life. Both she and my mum nursed me as a baby. My favourite memory with my grandma are those times when she would teach my bead works. Like how to make beaded necklaces, bags, vases, and so on. I'm so grateful to her for teaching me those things, because I'm almost a pro at it now😜.
It's been a while since I visited grandma because of school work and stuff but I miss her a lot and the times we spent together.

I still hang out with my mum sometimes, like going to the market or shopping though it's also been a while since we travelled because we've all been busy lately.

I would take travelling with my mum as a favourite memory I've had with her. Travelling with my mum is always mum is always fun and there's a lot of enjoyment.

I'll be going to campus in a few weeks and I'm gonna miss her a lot, her company, and most especially, her food 😁 yes, another favorite memory that I'm going to miss when I go to school is eating the food my mum makes 'cause they are the best.

My mum and grandma are both special people to and I cherish all the memories I have with them❤️.

The image used in this post is mine.
Thanks for reading❤️.

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