#94: I know what a woman means


Wow, I must say this is a nice topic they chose for this week's contest, I think I know a little about this topic (WHAT IS A WOMAN) maybe because I was brought up by a woman even if she was the only woman in the house or maybe it's just my little knowledge about who they are.

Among my friends I see things differently, when we talk about how a woman should be treated in a relationship, my opinion are always different and most of them think I'm weird but it's just the truth. Let's go back to the creation of humans, after God created man all alone in the garden of Eden, Adam was alone bored, and doing things all by himself it was then God now created a woman for him to be his wife and also his helper, why didn't God create another man because it won't be perfect. Woman in this life stands for perfection and also once a woman comes into your life only then will you be a complete human.

Women can also be your source of happiness and can be the opposite depending on how you treat them and something it doesn't appear like that because as we have the ones that are good, faithful, loyal, and caring same as we have the one that does the opposite. The bible also said something about who a woman is in proverb 18:22, If you find yourself a wife, he has found a treasure for she is the gift of God to bring him joy and pleasure, the bible went further on and said he who divorce good woman losses what is good from his house.

A Woman is powerful despite people saying they are weak, they are powerful not physically but spiritually in the sense that the bible had made it known that woman can also serve as quick answers to prayers if you treat her right and if you think am wrong check 1 peter 3:7.

Like my ancestors would advise, if a man is unserious and doesn't have a vision about his life, find him a good woman and his life would be different. I see a woman as a balance to everything in this world.

All this mention above are what I think a woman is a, a woman is a comforter, woman bring balance to life, woman a peace.

I know we have woman that act opposite to this and I believe it must have been due to an experience in life, A woman symbolize love.

I hope you enjoy reading my little knowledge about what is a woman? Do have a lovely day.
I'm inviting @princess-dara


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