Ladies of Hive Community Contest #61 - If I Had 3 Wishes...๐Ÿค”

Hello everyone, hope your day is fine ๐Ÿฅฐ

I'm participating in the Ladies Of Hive community challenge with the theme of wishes. This topic is very interesting, it will help me look back at the things around me to see what I have, what I have not achieved and what I want to achieve.


Thank you so much @ladiesofhive and @joanstewart for organizing this fun filled contest.

Life sometimes gives us unpleasant things. Everyone wishes they had the ability to turn things the way they wanted. 2022 is on the threshold, grant yourself 3 wishes. Suddenly I think I have so many wishes myself. Just 3 things is not enough. After thinking for a while, I decided on the 3 most important things I want to wish for. And here are my 3 wishes.



First Wish: I Wish My Parents Had a Lot of Health ๐Ÿ‘จโ€๐Ÿ‘ฉโ€๐Ÿ‘งโ€๐Ÿ‘ฆ

My first wish is for my parents. I wish they have a lot of health to live a long and healthy life beside me. Another year has come to an end which means that my parents' ages are increasing and the time they spend with me is decreasing day by day. I know my parents won't be by my side and love me forever, but I still want to wish my parents a happy life.


Even though my life is not rich, as long as my parents live a healthy life so that I have more time to pay filial piety to my parents' upbringing is my most important wish.




Second Wish: Wishing That The Covid-19 Pandemic Would Pass Quickly ๐Ÿค—

It's been 2 years since the Covid-19 pandemic broke out, time has passed really fast - so fast that even now I still can't believe what's happening. Because of the Covi-19 epidemic, everything was turned upside down, the number of deaths also increased day by day with no sign of stopping. Restaurants must be closed. Students have to stay home from school for months, perhaps the longest vacation in a student's life. Children who are far away cannot return home to reunite with their families. Unemployment increased, ... and there are many other bad problems that Covid-19 has brought.


I was no exception. I have been away from home for nearly a year from my parents, this is terrible, I have missed my parents very much, and my mother's warm embrace. Not only that, but the worst part is that I had to take time off work and stay at home because of the citywide quarantine. We stayed at home for many months without going out because at that time the epidemic increased so fast that we had not been vaccinated. Now that I think about it, I still feel afraid of the lack of food, the suffocating feeling of being in the house in the past.


Currently, everyone has been vaccinated with 2 doses of the Covid-19 vaccine, but the number of infected people is still increasing. I hate Covid-19 because it has harmed the whole world in all ways! It has blackened all the places it goes through, turning this beautiful colorful world into a mournful, gloomy color like in a horror movie!


So my second wish is for the Covid pandemic to end quickly so that we can return to the peacefulness of the old days. Soon there will be no more dead, no one has lost their job, and expatriates will be able to return home. This wish can bring joy and happiness to everyone.


Wish 3: Travel More โœˆ๏ธ

The 2 wishes above I made without thinking much, but on the 3rd wish I started to wonder what should I choose. Should I give this wish to myself or to the community, after thinking for a while, I got greedy and made the last wish for myself. This is the time when I look back at myself, which I really want so much. Maybe many people will wish to be richer, more beautiful or more talented, I also want to be richer and more beautiful but compared to that, I wish I could travel around the world.




Traveling is my hobby, passion and dream, so I dedicate this last wish to myself. Traveling not only gives me more experiences in life but also gives me the opportunity to explore new lands, learn about cultures and traditions in different places, see the beauty of the world around us. Whether this wish comes true or not, I will still try to make and fulfill this dream of mine.




I really have a lot of wishes, but thinking about it carefully, these 3 wishes are the ones I want the most. I would be happy to hear your wish. Thank you for reading my post. Have a nice day and may your wishes come true โค๏ธ.

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