Ladies of hive community contest #159

Hello, beautiful ladies

Thank God it's fridayyyyyyyy 💃💃💃💃💃🥰😊 I am so so super excited to be here once again on our amazing and lovely community were we come in to share our mind-blowing thoughts towards the world of women in general.

2️⃣ What is your favorite holiday of the year, and why?

Hmmmmmmmm 🤔🤔🤔🙈🙈 actually talking my favorite holiday of the year has always been December which is known to some people as 'Christmas Eve' which usually brings me more opportunities of knowing people in and outside my comfort zone and being able to unite more in love and happiness with my friends and family.


December seems to be a symbol of relaxation peace of mind, Joy and full of enjoyment especially when spent with family, actually it's that the other months are not relevant to be picked from as one of my holidays but December seems to be the most convenient and comfortable to relieve me from much work load.

The most reason why I picked up December as one of my favorite holiday it has its way of bringing different families or family members so to say as to celebrate the reason for the season which is (Jesus) saviour of the whole world.

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