Ladies of Hive Community Contest #55


Hello and good day Ladies of Hive and the whole Ecency Community!

I'm so excited to join a contest again like I used to on Steemit and I'm lucky I've seen this post reblogged from one of users that I'm following here so I give it a try.

I'm also inviting @maitt87 to join this contest as well. If you want to know more of the contest just check this out and have fun! 😊

It's a Q&A Mechanics and I chose question number 1.

What is your favorite thing about this time of year?

Answer: Holy Bible

Yes, it's a Holy Bible. Why? We really need it in this point of time, especially that we have this Pandemic Crisis.
I' m not that Religious type of a person but this Pandemic taught me a lot of things in life and it helped me seek God.
Life is not about triumphant of what we desire in this world.
People are so busy chasing their dreams to have a better and more comfortable life, to become financially stable and it made them forget God.
We just run God if things get tough. We only remember him in our hard times and I feel so guilty about it.

As I've seen it today people are so fearful on things they don't see some become paranoid and easy to manipulate with.
They don't want to suffer they're afraid to lose their comfort zone so they can't think of a more better solution. They're more dependent on Science than God because their faith becomes weak.

I am a person who is very observant and I used to overthink everything what's really going on around since Pandemic started.

I used to think that this is happening because of man-made destruction. So if this is caused by the wickedness of men then they don't deserve our trust.

My full trust is in God alone. Then one day my friend who is a Christian came to me and said she want me to join her on their fellowship and when it was her turn to share the Gospel she's reading John 14:6
Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

She said "It is doubtless, that they and all others were to have access to God only by obeying the instructions, imitating the example, and depending on the merits of the Lord Jesus Christ. He was the leader in the road, the guide to the wandering, the teacher of the ignorant, and the example to all. That we must follow Jesus Christ's footsteps."

It's actually hard but we should remember that Jesus died in the cross to save us from our sins. He is our most savior and it's our obligation to fulfill our purpose why we're here in this world. That is to obey and always faithful to his words.

God promised us an Eternal Life if we become righteous and just.

When man has forgotten the existence of God, problems appeared and began to grow. God never forgets us, but many times humans unconsciously forget even the most important of matters.

So, the Bible become my favorite because God's words gives me warning and taught me how to be wise. It also teaches me how to handle bad emotions.

Truly the BIBLE is a guide of our life so we should apply everything what we read in it.
God's words are difficult to understand but if you seek him and allow him to reign in your heart you become knowledgeable.


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